Google Updates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Google Updates


Google last since months update. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:195
Slides: 24
Provided by: NicoleRapaports
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Google Updates

Why google making changes, so frequently?
  • This is the major question which comes first when
    we listened about any google update. Why google
    making these changes? why is it providing updates
    so fastly? so many other questions clicked in our

  • As the competition is increasing day by day in
    every field. Everyone wants accurate results to
    his/her query. As Google is observing all the
    activities either it is regarding queries or
    anything else. So many search engines are there
    which can respond to our searching. Google wants
    to be best by avoiding all spamming and unwanted
    results. So many sites are there which apart from
    giving you results mainly focus on its own
    promotion by giving images and other ads on our
    content and also by inserting outbound links.
    Definitely, results in spam.

About Google Updates - 2013
  • If we talk about google updates so many minor
    updates took place after every 15-20 days or a a
    month but the major algorithm updates are panda,
    penguin and hummingbird. Which really affects our
    business and makes our presence on google again
    and again. Google is giving these updates so
    fastly to give better search results which will
    improve google quality also. Because nobody will
    prefer to switch on any other search engine if
    get results through google.

Google Panda
  • Google announced a panda refresh on January 22,
    2013 making this version 24. It was not that
    significant. It was just a softer update as it
    didnt hit so many english queries. As Google
    Panda is all about content so our content should
    be unique and also it must be quality content
    which attracts users.

Google Panda 25
  • After the hit of 24 Panda update, google gave
    confirmation to a next panda update known as
    panda 25(on march 14, 2013). Again it was about
    spammy content and its duplicacy. After this
    update Matt Cutts (head of google web spam)
    announced panda updates would be less noticeable
    in future.

Google Domain Clustering May 21, 2013
  • Matt Cutts told as google came to know about the
    feedback of so many people that as they go down
    deep till 3 pages there is a cluster of several
    results from one domain. Google made these
    changes to remove those crowded results. e.g when
    you perform a site search against a domain.
    Itll limit the results to 3 pages and show
    between 28 and 30 results before it gives you the
    omitted results statement. The omitted results
    would be there after 30.

  • This is a new change that appears to be tied to
    anti-clustering of domains by using filter
    parameter. The filtering appears to be controlled
    by the omit results filter parameter filter
    with a setting of 1 or 0. As you click on safe
    search mode filter gets activated by default and
    you wont find any omitted results anymore. As
    you switch off from that safe search again it
    will show filter0. Previously google was
    handling query till upto 3 pages only but now it
    shows more results even for heavy sites like

Penguin 4 Spam Fighting
  • Google says is a new generation of tech that sho
    Webmasters and SEOs expect major changes to the
    search results. Matt specifically said that 2.3
    of English queries will be noticeably impacted by
    this update. As it impacted more webmasters so
    google announced it as penguin 2.0.

Steps to come out!!
  • The new algorithms punish black hat SEO which
    refers to unethical or unsavory tactics that a
    site may use to try to boost its Google ranking.
  • This may include buying links, scraping content
    from other webpages, or overloading the site with
    keywords and ads.
  • Its also important that this content has some
    substance to it, and is high quality. Quickly
    throwing an article or blog together doesnt
    count providing the reader with useful
    information does.

  • Avoid writing titles and descriptions that are
  • Create natural links to your site
  • Apart from your site content its important that
    the press releases, blogs, articles, and other
    content you develop has real meaning and purpose.
  • Avoid all sorts of webspam techniques every day,
    from keyword stuffing to link schemes .
  • Avoid Large-scale article marketing with
    keyword-rich anchor text links

Unnatural Links
  • Text advertisements that pass Page Rank.
  • Links with optimized anchor text in articles or
    press releases.
  • Low-quality directory or bookmark site links.
  • Blog links that come from spam sites or posts
    that are not relevant to your niche.
  • Avoid using automated bookmarking software.

Google Panda Update The "Softer" Panda
  • As Google has now slowed the Panda rollout to
    happen over several days and we also know Google
    will not confirm Panda updates anymore. We also
    know that Google wanted to soften the Panda
    algorithm a bit. The implication was that this
    was algorithmic and may have "softened" some
    previous Panda penalties.

Knowledge Graph Expansion July 19, 2013
  • The Knowledge Graph enables you to search for
    things, people or places that Google knows
    aboutlandmarks, celebrities, cities, sports
    teams, buildings, geographical features, movies,
    celestial objects, works of art and moreand
    instantly get information thats relevant to your
  • The Knowledge Graphwhich will enable us to make
    search more intelligent. Mainly it used
    wikipedia for detail purpose.

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In-depth Articles August 6, 2013
  • Users often turn to Google to answer a quick
    question, but research suggests that up to 10 of
    users daily information needs involve learning
    about a broad topic. Thats why today were this
    new search results came into existence known as
  • These results are ranked algorithmically based on
    many signals that look for high-quality, in-depth
    content. You can help our algorithms understand
    your pages better by following these
  • Provide authorship markup(Link to your google
  • relnext and relprev for paginated articles
    (also watch out for common relcanonical
    mistakes), ADD- rel"canonical in ltheadgttag.
  • Provide information about your organizations
    logo,and of course, create compelling in-depth

Other Points Example
  • Article markup
  • Restricted Content First Click Free
  • http//
  • rel"prev" and rel"next" act as hints to Google,
    not absolute directives.

Hummingbird August 20, 2013
  • Google has a new search algorithm, the system it
    uses to sort through all the information it has
    when you search and come back with answers. Its
    called Hummingbird .Basically based on algorith
    of search.
  • Q. Whats a search algorithm?
  • Google uses to sort through the billions of web
    pages and other information it has, in order to
    return what it believes are the best answers.

  • Whats Hummingbird?
  • Its the name of the new search algorithm that
    Google is using, one that Google says should
    return better results. We can compare it to
    caffeine update of 2010.which gave us 50 fresh
    results. Conversational search is one of the
    biggest examples Google gave. People, when
    speaking searches, may find it more useful to
    have a conversation.

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Does this mean SEO is dead?
  • No, SEO is not yet again dead. In fact, Googles
    saying theres nothing new or different SEOs or
    publishers need to worry about. Guidance remains
    the same, it says have original, high-quality
    content. Signals that have been important in the
    past remain important Hummingbird just allows
    Google to process them in new and hopefully
    better ways.
  • Hummingbird is all about to give preference to
    our whole query not a particular word.

The Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors
Penguin 2.1 (5) October 4, 2013
  • The fifth confirmed release of Googles Penguin
    spam fighting algorithm is live. That makes it
    Penguin 5 by our count. But since this Penguin
    update is using a slightly improved version of
    Googles Penguin 2? second-generation
    technology, Google itself is calling it Penguin
  • How Can You Recover?
  • One of the most difficult things with this update
    is telling people how to recover. Anyone hit by
    Penguin was deemed to be spamming Google.
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