Title: The Most Important Google Algorithm Updates 2017
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2Google has a long history of famous search
algorithm updates that channelize ranking
mechanism of SERPs.
Lets look at some important Google algorithm
updates that have had the biggest impact on the
search engine.
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24NAMING SCHEMES Theres been no single rhyme or
reason to how Google updates are named. The first
named update was christened "Boston" by Webmaster
World users, as it was announced at SES
Boston. The next few updates ("Cassandra",
"Dominic", "Esmerelda") were also named by WMW
users, in a style similar to how hurricanes are
named. Once the monthly "Google Dance" ended,
that system fell into disuse. Later updates were
named by various sources, including WMW, and
major search blogs and forums. Google themselves
have coined the occasional name ("Caffeine"),
while a few names have been Google-inspired
("Venice" and "Panda" were named after Google
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