Title: Long Term Complications due to the diabetes
1Long Term complications due to the diabetes
2The condition of diabetes, defines when the
glucose level increases in the blood. High
glucose level in blood effects body organs if the
problem continued for a long time, this can
damage or disturbance occurs results in the
working of other body organ will not be in the
normal way.
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4Main effects of Diabetes
- Eye Complications
- Skin Complications,
- Ulcer
- Neuropathy
- Kidney Diseases
- Blood Pressure Problems
- Gastroparesis
- HHNS (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic
Syndrome) - Strokes
- Dental Problems
- Heart Problems
- Digestion Problems,
- Poor wound Healing Problems
5Eye complications
- The problem starts when the vision gets blurry in
the initial stage, and unable to read and see
properly, which sometimes results in blindness or
some other eye disease. - Eye diseases with diabetes
- Retinopathy
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- The Changes and damages of blood vessels in the
retina defined the stage that causes Retinopathy
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8 Cataract
- The dim, clouding effects on eyes lens which make
the vision unclear.
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- The fluid rise, inside the eyes, results in
damaging of optic nerves, which can lead to
failure of vision. - The proper check-up of eyes and trying to control
blood sugar level might help in end the risk of
these eye diseases.
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12Skin Complications
- If someone suffering from diabetes, that person
should be conscious about skin also, as it
affects on skin and skin problems can arise. - Scleroderma diabeticorum
- Mostly occur in type 2 diabetes, skin gets harden
on the back side of neck with the upper back
side. The main precaution is to control blood
sugar level, for the time being creams and
moistures can improve skin condition.
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- It is more seen in type 1 diabetes then to type 2
diabetic patients, vitiligo one of the substance
creates pigment that have the skill to manage
skin color are damaged so the problems arise with
skin coloration. The skin patches mainly formed
on the chest and abdomen, and might be seen at
the face mouth, nostrils, and eyes. - Some of the treatment includes topical steroids
and micro pigmentation, and sunscreen with an SPF
of 30 or higher should be used.
- Usually seem on the surface of the foot, over the
heels, and over the metatarsal heads, the skin
generally become moisture less, dull with cracks
harden and warm but lumps not seen - Feeling of ache, sensation not felt by the
patient in ulcer - Regular check up of foot and control in glucose
level with proper care of foot necessity steps
may demolished the risk of ulcer in diabetes.
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- In neuropathy, person not able to experience, the
sensation of pain because of Breakage of nerves
18Kidney Diseases
- One of the complications in diabetes is of kidney
problems and in some cases kidney failure also
seen. Treatment is necessary to put a stop to
kidney problems and other health problems like
heart attack, strokes and other related disease
with diabetes. - Diabetic nephropathy, one of the kidney problems
in diabetes, where the filters spoiled and
damaged which results in leakage of protein from
the blood in urine, this protein known as
albumin, and the abnormal leakage of albumin,
like warning of kidney damage started.
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20Diseases formed through the nonstandard outflow
of albumin are the following
- Microalbuminuria/ incipient nephropathy
- Number of albumin per day 30 to 300mg, flow of
albumin in the urine - Proteinuria/ macroalbuminuria or overt
nephropathy - More than 300 mg
21Blood Pressure Problems
- One of the common and general problems with
diabetes is the problem of blood pressure and now
days very usual. - The Heaviness or pressure of blood runs inside
vessels, which is measured in millimeters of
mercury (mm Hg), is known as blood pressure.
- The course of action, where the stomach not able
to clean and vacant the food with the normal
process, because of the breakage of vague, whose
main function is to manage and control digestive
23HHNS (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic
- Its one kind of problem which can arise in
diabetes, usually associate with type2 diabetes
that covers enormously heart blood sugar level
without the occurrence of ketones. Ketones are
the byproducts of fat division.
- Generally, People who are suffering from diabetes
faced strokes more easily, and usually the main
cause of strokes are uncontrolled high blood
pressure, or hypertension. The high blood
pressure problem in diabetic patient can be found
more commonly.
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26Dental Problems
- Gums and teeth bones become weak in diabetes
because of improper blood sugar level. Dental
problems might occur to diabetes patients, so
proper care is necessary and regular checkups are
very essential.
27Heart problems
- Heart problems faced by diabetic patients, one of
the reasons are breakage and damage of blood
vessels because of high blood pressure. - Coronary artery disease (CAD) and Congestive
heart failure are the two types of heart
28Poor wound Healing Problems
- The healing process in diabetic patients is slow
compared to normal one, the wounds may gone
through worst condition ,since the healing
process in body become very slow. - Main reason behind this problem is slow
circulation of blood, Neuropathy, immunity lesser
in diabetic patients. - Many complications might be faced just because of
diabetes, precaution is better than cure, but if
problems occur more seriously, food habits and
daily exercises should be included with doctor
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