Title: Alexander Chi MD: Physician
1Alexander Chi MD Physician
Alexander Chi MD is a highly educated, highly
trained physician treating patients with thoracic
malignancies, and researching novel treatment
strategies in this area. Thoracic malignancy
includes cancers that develop within the chest,
such as the lungs, esophagus, the heart, and
other thoracic organs. Alexander Chi MD is the
leader in lung cancer research and treatments. He
specializes in stereotactic ablative radiotherapy
and was the first physician at West Virginia
University to use the therapy on a cancer patient.
2Alexander Chi MD Cancer Research
Alexander Chi MD, originally from Beijing, China,
is a leader in thoracic cancer research and
treatment. He is a highly motivated clinical and
translational researcher and thoracic oncologist
who is very skilled in medical team management.
Alexander Chi MD has an immense amount of
experience providing medical professionals such
as nurses, dosimetrists, physicists, and
radiotherapists with the information they need to
properly treat cancer patients.
3Alexander Chi MD Lung Cancer
Alexander Chi MD is a highly skilled physician
and researcher working within the field of cancer
research. He uses innovative techniques and the
latest in modern technologies to treat thoracic
malignancies. Thoracic malignancies include
cancers that develop in the thorax, such as in
the lungs. Lung cancer is the leading killer out
of all types of cancer, and continued research is
important to save the lives of millions.
Alexander Chi MD uses stereotactic ablative
radiotherapy to treat his patients with localized
non-small cell lung cancer.
4Alexander Chi MD Cancer Treatment
Alexander Chi MD is the leader in not only cancer
research, but cancer treatment as well. He uses
innovative technologies and the latest technology
available to treat lung cancer. Alexander Chi
specializes in the treatment of thoracic
malignancies, which are cancers that develop
within the organs located in the chest. He
specializes in a modern therapy method called
stereotactic ablative radiotherapy.