Title: Conscious living
1Robin C. Goldstein, PhD
Psychologist Body-Centered Psychotherapy
As a psychotherapist my focus is you and
providing a safe and uniquely contained space
where you can achieve healing and emotional
wellness through active mind/body psychotherapy.
Together we will explore your concerns and
set goals. Utilizing a variety of
contemporary approaches there is the
potential for you, not only to solve pressing
current problems but also to experience
healing and transformation. I start from
the premise that the whole person needs to
be addressed by engaging conflicts
cognitively, emotionally and physically. I
believe that problems of the mind are revealed
and expressed in the body. Therefore,
therapy utilizes and engages both your verbal
expressions and your bod?s e?pressions. Work
with the bod? offers a chance to become aware
of your emotional issues on a tangible body
level to facilitate change, integrating
how you feel on the inside and present outward.
2Parenting from a place of consciousness I work
with parents to give them tools and strategies to
gain insight into their parenting process and the
learning and developmental process their child is
engaged in. As parents we want what is best for
our child but each child, is different and they
do not come with their own instruction manual. We
all have questions such as How do I choose a
good-fit school for my child? What is my
child-care provider doing for the hours she is
with my child? How do I set up a learning and
caring dialogue with my childs care
providers? When will my child dress himself? How
do I make it happen? Does bedtime really have to
be this difficult? How do we make it easier for
everyone in the family? Why is getting homework
done a time of conflict between my child and me
or my partner? Other families get out the door
and to school on time. Why cant we? How do we
navigate technology in our home and out in the
world? (cell phones, music devices, computers,
television, video games.) What does it mean for
my child to navigate the city on her own? How
will I know when my child is ready to do this
(walk to school, take the bus, ride the subway,
go to the grocery store)? We can explore and
find satisfying responses to these questions and
the many others that are of concern to you and
affect your familys harmony. Focusing on
compassion, cognition, and connection we will
work together to discover useful ways to support
your evolving parent-child relationship. It is my
goal to help parents gain understanding and
develop the critical thinking tools that will
allow them to grow with their child and
collaborate with teachers and other adults.
3To schedule an appointment or consultation Phone
917-327-5783 Or Email Robin_at_robinCgoldstein.com
The office is located at 122 West 87th Street,
1 New York, New York, 10024 The office is on
the south side of 87th Street between Amsterdam
and Columbus Avenues, closer to Columbus on the
Upper West Side of Manhattan. The closest subways
are the 1 local train on 86th Street and
Broadway, or the B or C on 86th Website