Title: Pound Workout
2What is Pound Workout ?
POUND workout is a type of cardio session which
combines light resistance with simulated drumming
on loud music. Burn 400 and 900 calories in just
45 minutes. This is the best kind of workout for
music and dance lovers.
3Pound is all about BASS
B - Beat A - Activated S - Strategic S -
POUND puts you in charge of the beat. You're
forced to be perfect on timing, precision etc.
Each beat activates a series of muscles, helps in
burning more calories as multiple muscle groups
work together. It depends upon constant arm
movement in synchronizing with the beats, which
activates the entire body.
POUND strategically distracts from the high
intensity and duration of your workout and mainly
focuses on rhythm and volume. You wont have to
count beats or keep track of the clock.
POUND forced to stay balanced while your arms
move rapidly knocking your body off balance even
more. It also adds fat-burning cardio. The
combination of stability and cardio reduces the
waistline, slims the thighs, and strengthens
connective tissue and infrastructural muscles.
8Contact Us
UFC Gym Sydney
Address Level 1, 93 O'Riordan St
Alexandria, NSW, 2015 Phone No. 02 8088
8808 Email alexandria_at_ufcgymsydney.com Website
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