Title: Bisola Akinyemi - Digital Marketing
1Bisola Akinyemi Digital Marketing
Bisola Akinyemi understands that the web is an
extremely powerful marketing tool, which is why
he does everything that he can to use it
effectively. As a small business owner, he has
been teaching himself about the basics of search
engine optimization and is currently looking into
how he can use social media to improve his brand
and drive engagement.
As a new businessman, Bisola Akinyemi has taken a
deep interest in the concept of digital marketing
and is looking to use search engine optimization
(SEO) to boost his websites popularity, ensuring
it gets more hits.
2Bisola Akinyemi Marketing Expert
Bisola Akinyemi uses digital marketing because it
is more cost-effective than traditional
techniques, plus it gives him the chance to get
his business in front of a wider range of people.
He is currently exploring online advertisement
services, such as those offered by Google
AdWords. He believes that intelligent use of such
services, in addition to constant work on his
website, will increase his exposure.
3Bisola Akinyemi Amateur Chef
Bisola Akinyemi has always enjoyed a passion for
cooking and considers himself something of an
amateur chef. His talents are exercises regular
when he is at home, much to the delight of his
family. He particularly enjoys creating dishes
that have a southwestern influence and his beef
brisket is the stuff of legend amongst his family
for its succulence and amazing taste.
4Bisola Akinyemi Constant Traveler
Though he lives primarily in San Jose with his
wife and three children, Bisola Akinyemi also
spends much of his time travelling around the
United States, both for work and pleasure. He
brings his family along whenever he can,
especially when he goes for winter skiing trips
in Colorado and Utah. He enjoys meeting new
people while on his travels and learning more
about their cultures.
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