Title: Private Investigator Ft. Myers
1Private Investigator in Florida
2Traffic crash investigations
When you think Private Investigations you may not
immediately think of traffic crash
investigations. An accident investigation can
reveal a lot of information and some information
over looked by the law enforcement officer
working the crash. While it is important to
determine who is at fault in a crash sometimes
the initial crash investigation can be wrong.
3This is generally not due to incompetent
investigations but lack of true information from
the vehicles or other witnesses being over
looked. Factors such as speed of the vehicle and
even the RPM of the vehicles motor. Direction and
grade of the road play rolls in determining fault
in a crash. Detailed photographs of the road way
from all angles may become important later in the
investigation. Also detailed photographs of all
vehicles involved in a crash could be beneficial
in the investigation.
4Law enforcement generally does not have the time
or resources to take these steps to document
these areas outside of a fatality crash. Other
factors such as environment and weather play
rolls in some crashes. Time of the day are
considerations too sun set or rise can give way
to glare causing a driver to not be able to see
the other vehicle or pedestrian. These factors
are all important in the determination of at
fault to mitigate fault in a crash. A private
investigator can take the time to do a thorough
investigation into the true cause of a crash and
provide this information to the client or the
clients attorney. Our investigators are all
previous law enforcement officers and have years
of experience investigating crashes.
5Accurate Investigations and Drug Screening
Inc.Lee County/ Ft. Myers12811 Kenwood Ln.
Ste. 218Ft. Myers, Florida 33907(239)785-3393B
roward County/ Lauderhill4592 N. University
Dr.Lauderhill, Florida 33351(954)372-1103Web
http//accinvestigationsfl.comEmail info_at_accinve
stigationsfl.comFl. LicA1600007, AA1600001