Title: Gym (1)
We offer personal training, classes in
weightlifting, movement, KickBoxing etc. Get in
shape with Fitness Kickboxing.
You dream of becoming a boxer to train like the
professionals do, or to act as a coach, official,
volunteer or partner? So come visit us soon at
boxfitpalmbeach. We have all trainers from
athlete backgrounds.
3Fitness Facility
The training on boxfitpalmbeach Increase the
limits of our organic possibilities when we
perform these works allows us to an acceleration
of metabolism, can directly affect the fat stores
in specific Fitness Facility training
4Personal Training
Passionate sportsmen are driven by the power of
Personal Training. A Personal Trainer is a
consultant move and he cannot just draw up a
training plan for the sports center itself.
Athlete Cross Fit is a sport. Athlete is a
training schedule for you that feel you have the
time and desire to compete.
KickBoxing suit everyone, young and old, trained
as untrained. Our training is divided into three
stages, depending on your goals and
Boxfit Palm Beach BootCamp is an innovative
training program focused on the loss of fat
percentage and overall toning, which develops all
general physical capabilities through simple and
functional exercises
Coaches work in a team in Gym for the benefit of
its customers. The training on boxfitpalmbeach
Increase the limits of our organic possibilities
when we perform these works allows us to an
acceleration of metabolism, can directly affect
the fat stores in specific fitness facility
9Personal Trainer
The personal trainer can help you achieve your
desired results faster. Our coaches keep you
motivated, improve your technical level, make
sure that every lesson counts will introduce you
to new opportunities for exercise and most
importantly you are always supportive.
10Weight Loss
If you want to Weight Loss and tighten the body,
but do not have much experience in sports, we
suggest that you start with the Program
11 208 S Olive
Ave West Palm Beach, FL 33405
no.- (561)331-8137
States boxfitpalmbeachs_at_gmail.com