Title: Reasons to Get a House When Your Young
1Reasons To Get A House When Youre Young
3Sooner or later the market will turn around as it
has done every other time in our history. When it
does you have a great investment on your hands
that is worth every penny.
5The recent housing crisis has caused some to
question the long-term value of real estate, but
even in the most recent 10 years, which included
quite a few very bad years for housing, values
are still up 7.0 percent on a cumulative basis.
In addition, the number of U.S. households is
expected to rise 10 to15 percent over the next
decade, creating continued high demand for
6Return on Investment
7Many of the buyers that hung around for the tax
credit have not fizzled off and sellers are
motivated even more to sell their homes. You can
bargain for a great price if you know how to
manage it.
8Forced Savings Account
9You have to do your math, but the part of your
mortgage payment that goes to principal repayment
isn't a cost. You're just paying yourself by
building equity. As a forced monthly saving, it's
a good discipline.
10Build Your Equity
11Money paid for rent is money that youll never
see again, but mortgage payments let you build
equity ownership interest in your home.
13The home is yours. You can decorate any way you
want and choose the types of upgrades and new
amenities that appeal to your lifestyle.
14Free Time
15Remaining in one neighborhood for several years
allows you and your family time to build
long-lasting relationships within the community.
It also offers children the benefit of
educational and social continuity.