Title: Oral Cancer Treatment in India
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ORAL CANCER Oral cancer is part of a group of
cancers called head and neck cancers. Oral cancer
can develop in any part of the oral cavity or
oropharynx. Most oral cancers begin in the tongue
and in the floor of the mouth. Almost all oral
cancers begin in the flat cells (squamous cells)
that cover the surfaces of the mouth, tongue, and
lips. These cancers are called squamous cell
carcinomas. When oral cancer spreads
(metastasizes), it usually travels through the
lymphatic system. Cancer cells that enter the
lymphatic system are carried along by lymph, a
clear, watery fluid. The cancer cells often
appear first in nearby lymph nodes in the
neck. Cancer cells can also spread to other
parts of the neck, the lungs, and other parts of
the body. When this happens, the new tumor has
the same kind of abnormal cells as the primary
tumor. For example, if oral cancer spreads to the
lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually
oral cancer cells. The disease is metastatic oral
cancer, not lung cancer. It is treated as oral
cancer, not lung cancer. Oral cancer happens
when there is something wrong or unusual in the
normal cell lifecycle. This abnormal working of
the cell lifecycle results in uncontrollable
growth and reproduction of these cells.
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- Some of the risk factors of Oral Cancer
- Tobacco use
- Heavy alcohol use
- Smoking
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection
- High levels of sun or ultraviolet (UV) light
exposure - Personal history of oral cancer
- Betel quid and gutka use
- Diets low in fruits and vegatables
- Weakened immune system
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- Common Symptoms and Signs that Oral Cancer may be
present - Abnormal patches inside the mouth or on your
lips - Sore on the lip or in the mouth that doesnt
heal - Unexplained bleeding in the mouth
- Loose teeth
- Difficulty or pain when swallowing
- Difficulty wearing dentures
- A lump in your neck
- An earache that doesnt go away
- Numbness of lower lip and chin
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Stages of Oral Cancer Stage 0 (Carcinoma in
Situ) This stage is considered as the
pre-cancer stage. In this stage, there are cancer
cells that are inside the lining of the mouth
that have not yet spread. If this stage is left
untreated then it can develop into an invasive
cancer. Stage 1 This is considered as the
early stage of invasive cancer. Now the cancer
has started to develop through the mouth lining
and also in the deep tissues below. The cancer
has not spread close to other organs, tissues or
lymph nodes and this cancer is not beyond 2 cm
across. Stage 2 In the second stage, the tumor
is more than 2cm but is less than 4cm. Other
organs or lymph nodes are remains unaffected by
this cancer.
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Stage 3 One or more conditions are true in this
stage- first the tumor is of any size that has
spread to 1lymph nodes on the same side of the
neck. Second, the cancer is more than 4 cm that
has not spread to any part of the body or to any
lymph nodes. Stage 4 This stage is known as
the advanced stage of oral cancer that is
categorized into three stages Stage 4A This
stage is marked by the growth of the cancer
through the tissues around the mouth and lips. At
this stage, it is possible that lymph nodes may
or may not possess any cancer cells. Stage 4B
This stage is marked by the spread of the
cancer to any lymph node which is bigger than 6
cm or to lymph nodes on both neck sides, or to
more than one lymph node on the same side of the
neck. Stage 4C This stage is marked by the
spread of the cancer to different body parts that
include bones or lungs.
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Diagnosis of Oral Cancer A number of tests are
performed for diagnosing mouth cancer that
include Biopsy A small tissue sample is
taken in biopsy that is further sent to a
laboratory for determining the type of cells and
whether they are cancerous or non-cancerous. Thro
at and Mouth Examination A special instrument
known as flexible laryngoscope is used for
viewing within the throat and mouth. Certain
other tests are also required for determining the
spread of the cancer. These tests are A Barium
Swallow and Meal Test This test requires a
patient to swallow a drink having barium. An
x-ray will present images of abnormal growths in
the digestive system down to the stomach. X-rays
X-rays are done of the lower and upper jaw or a
chest x-ray can also be done. Endoscopy This
test helps in viewing the body from within. An
endoscope (a narrow and flexible tube having a
telescopic camera) is used for performing this
test. Certain other biopsies of nearby lymph
nodes are also done.
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Oral Cancer at World's Best Cancer Hospitals in
India Surgery Surgery for mouth cancer may
include Surgery to remove the tumor Your
surgeon may cut away the tumor and a margin of
healthy tissue that surrounds it. Smaller cancers
may be removed through minor surgery. Larger
tumors may require more-extensive procedures. For
instance, removing a larger tumor may involve
removing a section of your jawbone or a portion
of your tongue. Surgery to remove cancer that
has spread to the neck If cancer cells have
spread to the lymph nodes in your neck, your
surgeon may recommend a procedure to remove
cancerous lymph nodes and related tissue in the
neck (neck dissection). Surgery to reconstruct
the mouth After an operation to remove your
cancer, your surgeon may recommend reconstructive
surgery to restore the appearance of your face or
to help you regain the ability to talk and eat.
Your surgeon may transplant grafts of skin,
muscle or bone from other parts of your body to
reconstruct your face. Dental implants may
replace your natural teeth.
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Non-Surgery Biological Therapy The activity of
the cancer cells is changed with the help of
biological therapy. A type of biological therapy
is known as Cetuximab that is also referred to as
a monoclonal antibody. The surface of the cancer
cells that triggers the development of cancer
cells is blocked with the help of
Cetuximab. Radiotherapy Radiotherapy uses
doses of radiation to kill cancerous cells. It
may be possible to remove the cancer using
radiotherapy alone, but it is usually used after
surgery to prevent the cancer from
re-occurring. Internal radiotherapy Internal
radiotherapy is a type of radiotherapy often used
to treat cancers of the tongue that are in their
early stages. It involves sticking radioactive
wires or needles directly into the tumour while
you are under a general anaesthetic (put to
sleep). The wires or needles then release a dose
of radiation into the tumour. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is often used in combination with
radiotherapy when the cancer is widespread, or if
it is thought there is a significant risk of the
cancer returning. Chemotherapy involves the use
of powerful cancer-killing medicines.
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FAQ - Oral Cancer Treatment India Who is more
susceptible to oral cancer ? Anybody consuming
tobacco is susceptible to oral cancer.
Differences in genetics have not been identified
in relation to risk and survival. What is the
treatment available ? Treatment is surgery, and
in advanced cases surgery followed by radiation
therapy is done. How to find the Best Oral
Cancer Treatment and Surgery in India? As there
are many top class surgeons in India, finding the
best can be tricky. Send us your medical report
and we will choose from among the best surgeons
most suitable for your condition. Why people
Choose India for Oral Cancer Treatment and
Surgery? Oral cancer hospitals in India
specialize in advanced that fight cancer while
supporting your quality of life, both during and
after treatment.
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