Title: 8 Features of DynamoDB Success
18 Features of DynamoDB Success
2AWS has launched DynamoDB for the entire world
and it is an amazing piece of technology. Here
are 8 features to get success by using DynamoDB
- Why do you really need DynamoDB?
- If the right tool for the job is DynamoDB and you
should be aware of it. If you require
aggregations or possess a small amount of data or
grained ability to combine lots of data together
then DynamoDB is not the right choice. In such
cases RDS or Aurora is the apt choice and where
durability doesn't matter Redis or ElastiCache is
the right choice.
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3For help ask Amazon
For cheking the parts of the account AWS has lots
of tools so do not worry. Everything from limit
increases to detailed technical support, Amazon
is always there for help. They are always helpful
in getting us in touch with the right people and
fast-tracking our support requirements.
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4Batch Partitioning and writing upstreamIf the
machine upstream in dynamo receives the key
information then you can combine or group the
data together and save writing on it. You can
just write once per second or minute instead of
writing every time you can group together all the
information instead. You can manage your latency
requirements with batching. Locking or race
conditions can be avoided by Partitioning.
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5Make use of DynamoDB Streams
A not well-known feature DynamoDB can post all
the changes to what is importantly a Kenesis
requirement. For developing pipelines, streams
are very useful and therefore you are not
constantly Log all of your hot shardsrunning
SCANS or doing your own program.
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6Thank You
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