Title: Post-Engagement Mistakes to Avoid
1Post-Engagement Mistakes to Avoid
2Popping the question. Putting a ring on it.
Getting that rock. There is a ton of ways to say
it youre engaged! Its one of most exciting
times in your life. The story is likely to be
told again and again through generations.
Engagements can be fun, romantic, silly, or a
huge surprise. While pulling off the perfect
engagement story is the top goal, what happens
next is just as important. Post-engagement gaffes
are popular online.
3Theres the video of a women knocking the ring
out of a guys hand straight into the water or a
man passing out immediately after popping the
question. There are a few mistakes that youll
want to avoid making right out of the gate. The
excitement of the moment can easily lead to some
pretty egregious errors. Check out the tips below
on what big mistakes youll want to sidestep once
that question is popped.
4Social Media Rush
- In the age of instant knowledge there are
drawbacks to everything being right there at your
fingertips. Its easy to write, post, click, and
send without a second thought. More often than
not the ability to instantly post something
online turns out to be the worst idea possible.
Sadly once something is out there in the Twitter
or Facebook universe its out there forever.
5That means the minute you post pictures of your
beautiful ring then your collective online
community is going to start spreading the buzz.
Take a moment before you head to your social
media apps and remember where that information
might need to go first. If you have a close
family and siblings then consider how they might
feel learning about your engagement on a Facebook
post. Your parents may not even have social media
to begin with.
6Its a small thing that usually gets thrown aside
in favor of posting your pictures as soon as
possible but just remember the ramifications of
not telling the right people first.
7Sudden Planning
- Sometimes the thrill of the moment can lead to
some knee-jerk reactions. Couples have gone from
celebrating the moment to booking a church within
the span of an hour. Sometimes the romance can
get the better of you. Planning your wedding
becomes a major event you need to start planning
as soon as you can. Before you jump into planning
mode, let the engagement feeling wash over for a
8Its understandable that you want to begin
planning your big day as soon as you possibly
can. There is a lot to think about! But sadly
with the swell of excitement, bad choices can be
made. Locations can be booked that you arent
happy with down the road. People can be promised
a spot in your bridal lineup that you have
differing opinions on when it comes right down to
it. Instead of rushing to planning mode, wait.
9Enjoy the moment. There is plenty of time to
begin planning your dream wedding. Rushing to
invite guests, promise bridesmaids or groomsmen,
and book a location youre not thrilled about is
never the smartest move to make.
10Ruin the Moment
- Nothing can take the wind out of engagement
sails faster than jumping on your phone to begin
the calling, texting, snapping, tweeting, and
posting spree that often happens right after the
engagement. If both you and your future spouse
are on board with the digital sharing, go for it.
11- If your partner isnt so keen on updating
followers as soon as possible then it might be
the smarter choice to keep your phone in your
pocket and enjoy the moment at hand. An
engagement is an amazing event meant to be
savored. Its a special time for you and your
partner so respecting that bond means you may
need to toss aside your desire to post everything
online within minutes of the big question being
12- Living in the moment with your partner will
ensure the two of you have time to celebrate this
special time together. - http//labellabridalboutique.com/