Title: Vitamin Deficiency Can Lead To Insomnia In Seniors
1Vitamin Deficiency Can Lead To Insomnia In
2L A U R I C A C I D
Lauric acid is very important in terms of health
properties. High density lipo- protein or good
cholestrol gets synthesized with the help of
Lauric acid. Our body deals with cardiovascular
disorder and high blood pressure with the help
of lauric acid. Milk and dairy products are the
main source for this nutrient. Deficiency of
Lauric acid can be the reason behind insomnia in
senior people.
3L Y C O P E N E
New researcher have found out that lycopene helps
to increase the duration of sleep in senior
adults. Vegetables such as tomatoes, papaya
contain remarkably high amount of lycopene.
Dried parsley and asparagus also contains
lycopene. These particular food items are very
important and have to be included into the diet
of the seniors so that the seniors can sleep
soundly at night. These foods can be helpful in
order to get rid of insomnia.
4S E L E N I U M
Selenium is one of the most important
micro-nutrient. It is essential for brain
development. It is also helpful in preventing
insomnia. Adding selenium to your diet can help
building healthy sleeping habits in elderly
people. Selenium is found in sea foods, dairy
products, grains and nuts etc.
5V I T A M I N C
Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C has enormous health
benefits. It is water soluble and has incredible
properties that helps in sleeping. Vitamin C is
beneficial for elderly people. Vitamin C helps
to polish your taste buds, boost the immunity
besides preventing insomnia. Fruits like lemon,
oranges, grapefruit and vegetables like
broccoli, cauliflower are sources of Vitamin C
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