Title: Hospital Fire Rated Doors
1Fire Rated Doors Manufacturer And Supplier
2Hospitals are buildings that require utmost
safety from disasters that can be vetoed upon,
like the occurrence of a fire breakout. Similar
to any hospitals are also faced with a different
type of challenge due to the number of
individuals who may not be familiar with employ
of a fire door and are actually not used to the
building layout.
3This may be a challenge for a lot of hospital
buildings, especially that when fire disaster
happens, people will definitely panic. It is
understandable that some patients have been there
for not many days and this situation can cause
them shock, so they won't be able to do what
needs to be done.
4Hospital buildings are given higher rating
requirement for doors that are fire-proof since
there's a large span to cover for people to get
out of any burning area. They can be required
with an FD 120 which gives people at least 2
hours of protecting before fire can burst from a
certain room.
5It's also required for laboratory rooms such as
the CT scan room, the x-ray room and the MRI room
because these places contain equipment that are
essential for diagnostics. Hospitals are required
to train their staff for emergencies like fire
and earthquake.
6There are drills that can be practiced and there
must be regular instruction about fire exits and
egress in case a fire breaks out. The emergency
personnel would lead the people on where they
should seek safety since they were trained to
have knowledge on the right moves to take and are
familiar with the building floor plan.
7One more issue which will put the people in more
peril during a fire is the presence of free
flowing oxygen from the pipeline. When a valve is
open and there's fire nearby, combustion will be
supported well and this will contribute to the
growth of combustion in a certain room. Once the
place becomes too hot, the place can explode.
8Thus, the walling, ceiling and doors, even the
windows should be fire-resistant. Evacuation of
people and important things may either be
horizontal evacuation which means that the other
end of the floor can be used as a safe region for
9There has to be a secure area in a certain floor
where the fire cannot reach and this may be
protected with a highly-rated fire door. Airtech
offers Airtight Doors in order to provide a
cleanroom environment. These airtight doors,
block air or gas flow in between compartments.
These are specially designed to be totally
10The airtight doors offered by Airtech have
certified hermetic sealing which offers maximum
achievable air permeability. These certificates
are Class 4 according to EN 1.026 / EN 12.207 and
Class 5 according to EN 12.427/ EN 12.426. In
Medical sector (hospital), Airtech supplies
airtight doors for Operating Theatre.
11Airtech.com.sg is one of the best hospital doors
supplier in Singapore that offers all types of
doors like this Hospital door, Cold room door,
Laboratory door, Cleanroom door, Hermetic door,
Fire rated door, Emergency exit door, Sliding
door, Auto door and Swing door with affordable
cost and effective quality.
12To Order Find Out More Information On Fire Rated
Door Please Come And Visit Us Today Onwards..!
Airtech Equipment Pte Ltd Contact Us 7 Kaki
Bukit Place, Eunos Tech Park, Singapore -
416185 Tel (65) 6746-6194 Fax (65)
6747-0327 / 6746 4994 Email
info.airtech.biz_at_gmail.com Web