Title: HL7 Online Training
1(No Transcript)
2HL7 Overview
- HL7, (Health Level Seven), is a standard for
exchanging information between medical
applications. This standard defines a format for
the transmission of health-related information. - Information sent using the HL7 standard is sent
as a collection of one or more messages, each of
which transmits one record or item of
health-related information. Examples of HL7
messages include patient records, laboratory
records and billing information. - Although HL7 and their messages are widely used,
many systems dont know how to speak the language
and require a translator. HL7 interface engines
work alongside existing applications as an
interpreter, speaking the language of HL7.
3(No Transcript)
4Course Content
Basics of Hl7
Why Hl7 ?
How Hl7 evolves?
How and when Hl7 developed?
How HL7 developed as a standrd?
Free Hl7 editing tool description
Certification specific
How to regester for the Hl7 exam?
Question pattern of the exam ?
Different topics that is required for Hl7 exam.
Part 1Control and message construction specific
Message construction rules.
Segment specific
Message Ack/Nak code
Message build and parsing concepts interms of certifications
Batch and File type of message processing
Part 2 Hl7 Message datatypes
Premitive and non premtive datatype
Required datatypes with examples
Part 2 Hl7 Message conformance
Message content in terms of Conformance
Specific terminologies regarding Hl7 Confermence
Sample question answers
Discussion on sample question answers specific to all the topics
- / USA - 1-845-915-8712
- / IND - 91-9642373173
- info_at_svtrainings.com
6Thank you