Title: Why Image optimization is important for SEO
1Why Image optimiz ation is important for SEO
by Mubasshir Rahman
Oct ober 25, 2018
in Speed Opt imiz at ion
? 1 6
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Most of the website has graphics. Without
graphics you cannot create a website. But
graphics can slow down your website. Trust us, a
slower website is hated by Google. Latest SEO
algorithm of google is f ocused on websites
speed. If your website speed is good then your
website will rank better. If it doesnt then you
wont get any good rank. Today we will see how
image optimiz ation af f ects in your page speed
and SEO.
What is Image Optimization
2Why you need Image Optimization
According to HTTP Archive, as of October 2018,
images make up on average 63 of a t ot al
webpages weight . So when you want to optimiz e
your websites speed f irst you must consider
about your web images what you used in your
website. It is more important than other scripts,
f onts, stylesheets or server response time.
Image optimiz ation is about decreasing the f ile
siz e of images as much as possible without
losing quality , so that your website loads f
aster. Its also about image SEO. What is,
getting your product images or Blog post images
and decorative images to rank on Google and other
image search engines.
T he main reasons for image opt imiz at ions
are Happier visitors because slow load times
frustrate users. 4 0 of visitors click the back
button if a site takes longer than three seconds
to load. Better search engine rankings because
site speed is a ranking factor. Higher
conversion rates, which means more money in your
pocket. Creating backups will be faster. Smaller
image file siz es use less bandwidth. Requires
less storage space on your server .
3How To do Image Optimization
To begin image optimiz ation you need to check
your websites current speed. To do that Go to
Google page insights. Check your website speed
and optimiz e image section.
Now, you have to f ollow these steps to perf orm
image optimiz ation Resiz e your Images.
Compress your Images. Enable Caching for your
website. Resizing your Images In WordPress
themes shows images on a certain max width. It
means if you upload images beyond that
dimensions maximum width it will slower your
website. So at f irst you need to resiz e images.
Otherwise it will slower your website.
4So what dimension you want to use? It completely
depends on your theme. How much pixel you set in
your max-width css in your theme you only know
this. So Resiz e your images as per as max-width
and max-height. How to Resize Images To resiz
ing images you can simply use photoshop or any
photo editor. If you want to use online tools I
would recommend BIRME Bulk Image Resiz ing Made
Easy 2.0 . Choose Auto-height so that the tool
doesnt crop your images during the resiz ing
process. If you are using WordPress you can
simply use a plugin. I recommend Imsanity.
Compressing Images Af ter resiz ing images next
part is compressing images. Compressing image can
be done in two methods Lossless Compression.
Reduces a little file siz es without any loss in
quality. Lossy Compression. Reduces a lot of file
siz es, but at the expense of some quality. To
do any kind of compression go to Kraken and
compress your images f or your website. How to
Compress Images in WordPress In wordpress you
can use several plugins such as Smush Image
Compression and Optimiz ation Robin image
optimiz er save money on image compression
5W2 E Image Optimiz er and Resiz e Image
WordPress Image Compression and SEO
Enable Caching for your website If you are not
using wordpress then you can open you .htaccess
and paste these code f or browser caching
EXPIRES CACHING ltIfModule mod_expires.cgt
ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpg access
1 year ExpiresByType image/jpeg access 1 year
ExpiresByType image/gif access 1 year
ExpiresByType image/png access 1 year
ExpiresByType text/css access 1 month
ExpiresByType text/html access 1 month
ExpiresByType application/pdf access 1 month
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript access 1
month ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-ßash
access 1 month ExpiresByType image/x-icon
access 1 year ExpiresDefault access 1
month lt/IfModulegt EXPIRES CACHING
If you are using wordpress then you can use any
good cache plugin such as W3 T otal Cache WP
Fastest Cache WP Super Cache Conclusion Now go
back to Google page insights and check your
website. Now your website load f aster? I think
the answer is yes ?? If you need f urther help
about speed optimiz ation please ping me on our
contact us page.