Title: Lego Building Blocks Toys | Educational Toys
1Building Block Toys
2Building Block Toys
3Building Block Toys
4About US
Playplay Toys brand has been in the toys business
for over five years, and with the trust, its
customers have vested with the brand has led to
its phenomenal success in such a short span. It
is because of the trust and endorsement of the
customers especially the parents, Lego Toys
have been able to expand its collection of toys
beyond building blocks to include wooden toys,
Mechanical toys and much more to come. The
brand always focuses on reasonable pricing which
has been one of the key factors to appeal
aspiring parents to shop for Die Cast Toys. Now
fulfill your childs wishes and gift them the
best toys that also serve as tools for their
creativity, that too without spending much.
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8Contact us
Email- info_at_playplay.in Website-
www.playplay.in Call us 91 9810 0866
05 Address N-16/4565, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
New Delhi, Delhi 110002