Title: Do Young Children and Well-Ordered Days Mix?
1Do Young Children and Well-Ordered Days Mix?
2My Preschool Graduates
3My current and upcoming preschoolers
4(No Transcript)
5Absorb Chaos
61. Was the chaos caused by lack of sleep? 2.
Was the chaos caused by what was eaten? (i.e. too
much sugar, allergic reaction) 3. Was the chaos
a cry for attention?
4. Was the chaos
just their way of
trying to be
75. Was the chaos deliberate an act of
disobedience? 6. Was the chaos a way to cope
with feelings of being overwhelmed or afraid?
7. Was the chaos because I neglected to do what
was needed to be done that day? (i.e. stick to
the schedule, get off the computer, play with my
child etc.)
8Create Calm
9Pretend Play - Active play running, jumping,
climbing, riding, and other use of large
muscles. - Quiet play reading, stringing,
coloring, etc. - Cooperative or social play
games and activities that involve more than
one. - Solitary play drawing, dreaming, or any
activity that involves only one.
10Pretend Play (con't) - Manipulative play
putting together puzzles, building with blocks,
cutting and pasting, or any activity that
involves eye-hand coordination or fine motor
skills. - Creative play painting, molding,
solving problems, making music, telling stories,
or any activity that involves a childs
imagination. - Dramatic play dress-up,
make-believe, or any play that involves
pretending. http//www.earlychildhoodnews.com/e
11Tongs - sort mini-erasers - transfer pom poms
from one container to another - create patterns
with objects Spoons - transfer objects -
create patterns - fill containers
12Sorting - sort beads - mini-erasers - rocks -
gems - nuts and bolts - buttons - foam shapes -
plastic lids - plastic animals - Legos - math
manipulatives - Happy Meal toys - coins - puzzle
pieces - stuffed animals
13Sorting (con't)
- big/small - hard/soft - float/sink -
fly/crawl/run - tall/short - round/oval
(shapes) - red/blue (colors) - living/non-living -
plants/animals - begins with the ___ letter
sound - ends with the ____ sound - four
sides/three sides
14Fine Motor
Use a medicine dropper to create patterns in the
Use a Parmesan cheese container for fine-motor
practice. Younger children can place coffee
stirrers or dry spaghetti in the holes. Make it
more challenging by sorting buttons by color onto
a pipe cleaner.
15Sensory Tubs - colored pasta - colored rice -
shaving cream - sand - aquarium gravel - beans -
candy corn - water Tubs Can Be - Thematic (i.e
robots) - any size
16Sensory Tubs (Continued) Tools Needed -
spoons - small dishes - funnels - measuring
cups etc. Skills Practiced - transferring
objects - spooning objects - pouring - tactile
learning - problem solving
17Nature Fun - observe the seasons - go on a ____
hunt (bugs, leaves, birds, colors, shapes, smells
etc) - play I Spy - throw rocks in a pond - go
star-gazing - pick and press flowers - garden
- Early Education Printables - Children Books
Activities - Early Childhood Activity Ideas
19Provide Hope