Title: A Strategic Approach to Promoting Positive Behaviour
1A Strategic Approach to Promoting Positive
- PINS Network,
- Edinburgh, 20th/21st. Feb. 08
2 Promoting good behaviour? Restorative
Approaches???!!!! Motivation???!!!! Some thoughts
on working with children and young people! Or A
day in the life?!
3Believe in yourself. Self respect is crucial.
4 but remember... it's O.K. to seek support
5Take an occasional risk.- The rewards of working
with young people can be great!! Or dont rise
to the bait!!!!
6 share a joke with your colleagues build on
our own strengths!!!!! (Or, why the long
7Value yourself - Im a good guy!
If we want respect we must learn to respect
8.to work together as a team. We all have a part
to play. That means you, you and you
9Structure of the Programme
- Context
- Background and philosophy of R.A.
- R. A. in Scotlands schools
- The Restorative Approach and voluntary
organizations - Skills and strategies supporting Restorative
Approaches - SCOAP exercise
- Question and Answer (maybe!!!!)
10Aims of the Programme
- Information sharing why RA? where are we?
- Awareness of activities in schools / childrens
services - Increase knowledge of skills and strategies
- Consideration of impact on / links with the work
of your organization
- Joint Action Plan to Promote Positive Behaviour
- (involving the Scottish Executive (Govt.), COSLA,
- Professional Associations and other education
leaders - The Discipline Stakeholders Group)
- The Positive Behaviour Team funded by the
Scottish Executive (Govt.) will work with
teachers, schools and councils to develop and
sustain proven approaches to (promote) positive
behaviour. - Every Council and ( every) Headteacher will be
expected to use an appropriate mix of new
approaches known to improve behaviour
12 Nationally Recognized Training / CPD Approaches
- Solution Oriented Approaches
- The Motivated School
- Being Cool in School
- Frameworks for Intervention / Staged Intervention
- Inclusive Education in Primary Schools
- Restorative Approaches
13Priorities for Education
- Support the development and implementation of A
Curriculum for Excellence - Provide greater opportunities for vocational
training and skills for life.
14A Curriculum for Excellence
- ACfE schools aim to systematically develop
their capacity to improve the learning,
attainment and achievement of all children and
young people to help them become - SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS
15What does this mean for schools, childrens
services and their partners?
- Inclusive, confident, positive leadership
- Positive, enabling, motivating and resilient
adult attitudes - A broad range of learning experiences
16What are the barriers to progress?
- Attitudinal resentment, distrust, disrespect,
sarcasm, inflexibility, cant do. - Values misunderstanding, only see one view,
demeaning. - Structural one size fits all, needs of the
establishment, impersonal.
17Restorative Approaches This is why.
- Restorative approaches support the school
- in promoting a positive, restorative culture.
- They enable all young people and adults to
- develop a range of skills that help them
- resolve problems, take steps to make
- amends for harmful behaviour and
- encourage everyone to make good choices.
- They encourage the nurture of empathic attitudes.
- They are built upon values of fairness.
18Restorative Approaches
- Are about repairing, developing and maintaining
positive relationships - Are about helping young people (and adults!)
learn and develop the skills to make good choices
now and throughout their lives - Encourage us to consider our feelings and those
of others (emotional well being)
19R.A. in Scotlands schools
- Pilot councils
- Evidence of assimilation /implementation across
all councils - Evidence of positive impact upon relationships
and behaviour - Evidence of development of life skills
- Schools at various points on their journeys
- No going back ????!!!!
- Local and national context overview
- An introduction to Restorative Approaches
- Consider how this may be used within
- Empowering everyone to resolve conflict
22The Restorative Approachis a philosophy, not a
model and ought to guide the way we act in our
dealings with others.
- Rule breaking
- Blame or guilt
- Adversarial
- Punish to deter
- Impersonal
- Victims ignored
- Accountability being punished
- Wrong doing or harm
- Problem solving
- Dialogue negotiation
- Restitution / reparation
- Interpersonal
- Empowerment
- Accountability put things right
Control (Limit Setting Discipline)
Support (Encouragement, Nurture)
27Organizational culture
Consistent Responsive Flexible Accountable Respons
ible Cooperation Negotiation
Power Struggles Confrontation Authoritarian Win-Lo
se Retribution Stigmatising
Uncaring Tired Lazy Burnt Out Given Up
Chaotic Inconsistent Excusing Giving In Blurred
Boundaries Rescuing
28Restorative Organizations
- Mutual respect and appreciation
- A belief in peoples ability to solve their own
problems - Empathic listening
- Giving people a chance to tell their own story
- Acceptance of diversity
- An inclusive approach to problem solving
29Why these approaches and why now?
- Does this fit well within your organization in
- relation to
- Vision
- Aims
- Forward Planning?
- Is your organization in the process of continuing
- developmental progress?
- Where is the organization on its journey to
- excellence?
30What are Restorative Approaches?
- Based on a philosophy for support and behaviour
management which moves away from a traditional
punitive approach where misconduct is punished
because the offender has broken the rules.
R.A. seek to engage people in restoring
relationships damaged by conflict and harming
31Groups Work (1-3)
- What do we need when we have been
- harmed?
- flipchart.
32Groups Work (4-6)
- Consider what you need when you
- yourself have caused harm either on
- purpose or inadvertently
- flipchart
33What is needed to repair harm?
- If I have been harmed I need
- time to calm down
- to be listened to
- a chance to ask
- Why me? What did I do to deserve that?
- the person concerned to acknowledge the impact
their behaviour has had on me - a sincere, spontaneous apology
- if possible, thing put right
- reassurance that it wont happen again
- If I have caused harm I need
- time to think
- to be listened to
- a chance to explain to myself and the other
person why I did it - an opportunity to apologise
- a chance to make amends
- reassurance that the matter is dealt with and I
can move on - hope that there is no resentment left
34Pause for thought
- How much opportunity is made in the working
day to address the needs of those who have been
harmed and those who have caused harm?
35Individual Questionnaire
36Traditional Approach
- Can we fix it ? Yes we can !
37A Restorative Approach
- Builds and nurtures relationships.
- Repairs harm done to relationships.
- Considers the needs of all involved.
- Recognises responsibilities.
- Encourages accountability for actions
- Supports the development of emotional well
38The Restorative Organization
- based on, and informing, the values and ethos of
the organization - guided by restorative principles
- about repairing relationships for immediate
impact and long term growth -
39Restorative Approaches
- Listening Skills
- Positive Behaviour Team, Schools Directorate,
- Scottish Government.
40Hearing the story
- Valuing the Speaker
- Curiosity
- Feelings Matter
- Self-Awareness
- Win-Win
42Active Listening Skills
43Why use active listening?
- Helps the person deal with and defuse strong
feelings. - Helps the person understand their own emotions.
- Facilitates problem solving.
- Keeps the responsibility with the individual.
- Makes people more willing to listen to others.
- Promotes a closer and more meaningful
relationship between the pupil and the other
44Points for Discussion
- q How we communicate.
- q What do we retain?
- q Barriers to retaining
information. - q Active Listening.
- q The steps of active listening.
- q Barriers to effective
- communication.
- q Using all of your skills.
45How we communicate
- 80 of our conscious hours are spent
communicating. - There are 4 basic communication skills that we
use. - 1. Writing
- 2. Reading
- 3. Speaking
- 4. Listening
- 50 of these is devoted to listening.
- Therefore we listen for 40 of our conscious
46- How much do we retain of what we hear?
- 25
47Barriers to retaining information?
- Listening is passive so concentration can be
difficult - We think on average 3 times faster than we speak
so our minds can jump ahead or wander. - We rarely clear old thoughts in preparation for
new information so our system can be busy to
begin with. - We are often concerned with how to reply and so
concentrate on this instead of whats being said. - The listeners perception can be completely
different to the speakers and so a different
interpretation can be reached.
48Active Listening
- q How do we show we want to listen?
- Make time, make space and show youre
interested. - q How do we show we are ready to listen?
- Have an open body language and be
quiet. - q How do we show we are continuing to
listen? - Use short verbal responses and
non-verbal - cues.
- q How do we show we understand what we are
listening to? - Use reflective responses
49How can we achieve our goal ?
- q Open QuestionsHow, where, what, when?
- q Summarising So youve fallen out with
Tricia and you want to make it up but she
wont listen to you? - q Reflecting repeating back a word or
phrase the person has used to encourage them
to go on. - q Clarifying asking for clarification on
important points can you say a bit more about
that? - q Short words of encouragement yesgo
on - q Reacting if it sounds like they have had
a difficult time say so.
50Barriers to Effective Communication
- Giving advice If I were you I would
- Reassuring Im sure it will be fine
- Ordering Stop acting up and get back to
work - Analysing/
- Interpreting You are only doing this
because - Logical persuasion But you need to get this
done - Preaching/
- moralising You should leave your
problems at home"
51Barriers to Effective Communication.
- Threatening If you dont sort yourself
out - Judging You are just lazy
- Name calling Kids/People like you are
- Praising Youre smart. You will sort
it out - Questioning Why did you wait so long
to tell me? - Withdrawing I cant help you if you are
like this
52Using All Of You Skills .
- Non-verbal communication is a major clue.
- We take in-
- v 7 by words
- v 38 by tone
- v 55 from body language
- Square
- Open
- Leaning forward
- Eye contact (appropriate)
- Relaxed
- Threatening
- Close proximity
- Face to face
- Towering above the pupil
- Pointing, waving arms
- Prolonged eye-contact
- Non-Threatening
- Extended personal space
- Facing at an angle
- Sitting down
- Open palmed gestures
- Brief eye-contact
55A Powerful Thought
- But let someone really listen, let someone
acknowledge my inner pain and give me a chance to
talk more about whats troubling me and I begin
to feel less upset, less confused, more able to
cope with my feelings and problems - Faber and Mazlish 1980
- Thinking (interpretation) and Behaviour
- Thinking
- Feelings
- Others Feelings, Thoughts and Behaviours
- Can you explain what happened ?
- What were you thinking at the time ?
- How were you feeling at the time ?
- Who else do you think has been affected by this ?
- Thinking
- Feelings
- Needs
- Other People
- What have your thoughts been since ?
- What are they now ?
- How are you feeling now ?
- What do you need (to do) so that
- Things can be put right ?
- The harm can be repaired ?
- You can move on ?
58Case Studies
- Attending a meeting
- First day at work / new job
- Just get on with it!
- What would you do?
- How would you feel?
- How would you act?
60- And remember
- We must aim to give young people
- roots and wings!
61- Thank you for your consideration,
- thought and contribution. It is
- appreciated.
- Be cool.
- Liz Harvey and
- Derrick Bruce.