Title: Principles of Effective Couple Therapy
1Principles of Effective Couple Therapy
2Changes The Couples View of The Relationship
When a couple considers going to therapy, they
know that something is wrong enough with their
relationship that needs to be fixed. After couple
therapy, a couple should feel that their
relationship is back to its original state of
healthy functionality which makes them feel
happy, content and satisfied.
3Repairs Dysfunctional Behaviors
Either one or both individuals in a relationship
sometimes behave differently owing to something
changing in the relationship. This change in
behavior which may be dysfunctional can damage a
relationship and the bond the couple shares.
Couple therapy aims to repair these dysfunctional
behaviors that in turn repairs the relationship
4Reduces Emotional Avoidance
It is human tendency to ignore aspects of their
life that causes them stress or emotional
turmoil. When couples start ignoring issues
occurring in their relationship, or worse,
ignoring each other, the relationship falls
apart. If this happens, the couple should
consider attending couple therapy in Mumbai that
can reduce the emotional and intimate gap within
them and help them communicate better with one
5Improves Communication
Couples often fail to communicate their feelings
and emotions with each other. This causes a major
fall out because if they do not understand each
other, they cannot be there for each other
effectively. Communication is an imperative
aspect of a relationship, and if that is
dysfunctional, then couple therapy can definitely
help rectify that problem.
6Improves Communication
Couples often fail to communicate their feelings
and emotions with each other. This causes a major
fall out because if they do not understand each
other, they cannot be there for each other
effectively. Communication is an imperative
aspect of a relationship, and if that is
dysfunctional, then couple therapy can definitely
help rectify that problem.
7Helps A Couple Recognize Their Strengths
An individual in a relationship sometimes forget
that they are a whole person themselves even
without the other person. A sense of dependency
comes into play that sometimes makes them forget
that they do have themselves at the end of the
day. Couple therapy aims to empower individuals
in a relationship, for when a person feels secure
within themselves, they tend to be happier in a
8Thank You