Title: propelguru1 (1)
2Economic downturns are said to the worst
affecting parts for an organization because they
imply a real fall in the GDP. As it is a period
of negative growth and recession, it is hard to
make your business profits. Interestingly, a
recession is also the best time to make profits.
As Jack Welch says, Never miss out on an
opportunity like a good recession.
3Cut Your Costs
- Minimize expenses during downturn
- Look into some previous projects
- Dont lack consistency and efficiency
- Use digital marketing strategies to help attract
traffic and clientele
4Liquidity is Important
- Roll some money in the market during recession
- Make some great money in stocks
- Have liquid cash in-hand as it improves the
chances of making profits
5Look into the Downside
- Dont let your investments go down after a
certain point - Keep tracking the downside
- Dont wait for the markets to turn green
- Be on the survival mode
6Reduce Your Deductions
- Save on Taxes lawfully and ethically
- Find out legal loopholes to reduce deductions
- Keep jotting down each penny that you spend on
the business
7Restructure Your Plans
- Sell of some of the underperforming or
non-performing assets - Pay off the loans
- Look for policy discounts or limit your
liabilities to minimum - Create Liquidity in your account
8Stop the Risk
- Invest properly like on real estate or hire smart
employees - Invest in yourself
- Remember- The more you grow, the more you make
9Are you confused about the best way to market
your business? We are here to help you with some
out-of-box ideas. Call us now at 1 (604)
256-0821 or email us at hello_at_propelguru.com.