Title: Tactical Athlete Sports Medicine
1Tactical Athlete Sports Medicine
2About Our Company
The environment of workplace safety is changing
in the United States. Secondary to the rising
cost of healthcare and the aging workforce,
corporations have recognized the importance of
investing in the health and safety of their
employees. Work Right NW strives to be the
industry leader by integrating an innovative
model of workplace wellness on the job site for
our corporate partners and advocacy for
leadership training and mentoring for our injury
prevention specialists.
3Our Mission
To revolutionize the way companies manage
workplace safety. As companies focus on LEAN
principles, metrics have replaced people. Our
goal is to achieve the injury reduction metrics
by caring for the individual. Work Right will
become an industry expectation, not a new idea.
Work Right will continually exceed expectations
and push the boundary of innovation.
4Tactical Athlete Sports Medicine Platform
First Responders need to be ready for the call of
duty at any moment. They dont have the same
luxury as traditional sports athletes who can
train with scheduled peaks and valleys for a
specific competition.
5They are called upon to run, jump, lift, push,
and pull heavy objects at a moments notice all
the while balancing the swings of a deeply
emotional job. It is with this in mind that Work
Right is bringing our mission of prevention over
treatment to first responders throughout the
6Our Expertise
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Distribution
- Food Production
- Transportation
- Warehouse
7Contact Us
Phone. 1 772-448-7233 Find us in Work Right
NW1760 Down River Dr. Woodland, WA 98674
8Thank You For Watching
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