Title: Differences Between Ginger and Green Tea
1Differences between Ginger and Green Tea - Health
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s When it comes to health awareness, the benefits
of green tea cannot be denied. And thus, it is
gaining popularity across the globe and has
become one of the more sought-after health
drinks. Several studies on it have also
highlighted its medicinal properties, which can
be beneficial for health. But often, people ask
that it is better to take green tea or make your
homemade ginger tea?
Green tea and ginger tea are used less for waking
up in the morning and more for their proposed
medicinal properties, with a sweet and spicy
aroma. Throughout history, green tea has been
known to cause weight loss. There are also some
green tea flavors available in the market in
which ginger is mixed. Because ginger can reduce
appetite, ginger is also rich in antioxidants
and can reduce inflammation. Both these
properties enable it to burn body fat and
control sugar levels. There are two types of
ingredients present in ginger called shogaols and
gingerols. Both of these work in the body in
many ways after the consumption of ginger, and
Gingerol is the element in ginger that controls
the level of sugar in the body.
2Therefore it is no surprise to wonder whether the
medicinal properties of green tea and ginger
enhance or antagonize each other.
Nutrition facts ginger and green tea
- Ginger and green tea both are well-known edible
plants. Before we know the differences between
ginger and green tea, lets look at their
nutritional profiles. - One cup of green tea contains
- Calories 0.3 kCal
- Total Carbs 0.1 g
- Net Carbs 0.1 g
- Fiber 0 g
- Sugar 0 g
- Sugar Alcohols
- Protein 0 g
- Fat 0 g
- Monounsat. Fat 0 g
- Polyunsat. Fat 0 g
- Saturated Fat 0 g
- Cholesterol 0 mg
- In contrast, green tea has healthy polyphenols
(plant-based antioxidants), as well as contains
3- Protein .11grams
- Fresh ginger contains trace amounts of Vitamins
and minerals such as Vitamin B3 and B6, Iron,
Potassium, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Phosphorus,
Zinc, Folate, Riboflavin, and Niacin.
Health Benefits of Green Tea and Ginger tea
Drinking green and ginger tea together provides
some amazing health benefits. Weight Loss Green
tea and ginger can be beneficial in reducing
weight, and the antioxidants present in them can
help reduce weight by increasing metabolism. In
another study, consuming a mixture of catechins
and caffeine in green tea may show some positive
effects in reducing weight and maintaining
weight. Reduced Risk of Cancer The polyphenols
(catechins) present in green tea are responsible
for the anti-cancer properties of tea. They
contain EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which
can fight free radicals and protect cells from
DNA damage. The antioxidants present in ginger
may help prevent cancer, including pancreatic
cancer and colon cancer. In this way, green tea
with ginger slowed down the growth of cancer
cells. Boost immunity Consumption of green tea
and ginger can also help in improving immunity.
Along with strengthening the bodys immunity, it
can also help protect the body from free
radicals. Improve heart health Drinking this
simple ginger-green tea every day can also help
protect against heart diseases. The tannins
present in green tea help reduce the level of LDL
cholesterol in the body. Catechins can reduce
cholesterol absorption in your stomach. This may
help to lower the risk of heart attack. On the
other hand, Ginger is also known to increase
blood flow and is anti-inflammatory. Known to
have antiplatelet (antiplatelet prevents blood
clotting), hypotensive (hypotensive lowering of
4pressure), and hypolipidemic (lipid-lowering)
effects. All these properties can help reduce the
risk of heart diseases. Improve mood Ginger and
green tea can also prove beneficial in improving
the mood by enhancing the focus of the
mind. Caffeine helps improve brain function,
including improved mood, alertness, reaction
time, and memory. Green tea also contains
L-theanine, which increases the activity of the
inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has
anti-anxiety effects. At the same time,
researchers believed that ginger juice could
improve the condition of mood changes that occur
during the menstrual cycle.
Ginger tea and green tea are both easy, tasty,
and natural ways to promote good health. With
many health benefits, you can sit back with a
hot cup of ginger and green tea, sip slowly and
enjoy. Although green tea contains caffeine,
excessive consumption can cause insomnia,
headache, tremors, and anxiety. The content is
purely informative and educational in nature and
should not be construed as medical advice.
Please use the content only in consultation with
an appropriate certified medical or healthcare
professional. Source Link https//sites.google.