Title: Capital Of Scotland - Currency - Official Languages
1Capital of Scotland
2- Bank Holidays 2021
- Languages and More
3Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland
4Before Edinburgh was established as a capital of
Scotland, Scone and Perth were important regions.
The major shift to Edinburgh happened during the
latter half of the 15th century. Scotland was
known as the Kingdom of Scotland. It became a
sovereign state in the middle ages.
5In 1603, James VI who was the king of Scotland
became the ruler of Ireland and England. This led
to the union of the three kingdoms which is now
collectively known as the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland.
6Before Edinburgh, Scone was one of the major
locations of the Scottish Kingdom. The royal
castles were also situated in the cities of Perth
and Stirling in central Scotland. Currently,
Glasgow is also one of the major cities on the
7Why the future King of the Britain is called the
prince of Wales
8Bank Holidays 2021 Scotland
9English is the most prevalent language in
Scotland. However, there are many languages were
spoken in Scotland. They are Germanic languages
from Celtic families.
10Currency of Scotland is Pound Sterling
11Thanks for visiting capitalofinfo.com/scotland