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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Splash Screen

Splash Screen
Intro 5
Chapter Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able
  • describe the causes of the French Wars of
    Religion and explain how they were resolved.
  • explain the militant Catholicism of Philip II and
    its effects on Europe.
  • list the causes and results of the Thirty Years
  • discuss the significance of the English
    Revolution and the Glorious Revolution.

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Intro 6
Chapter Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able
  • explain absolutism in relation to Louis XIV, Ivan
    the Terrible, and Peter the Great.
  • distinguish between an absolute monarchy and a
    constitutional monarchy.
  • explain the significant movements in art,
    literature, and philosophy during the sixteenth
    and seventeenth centuries.

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Section 1-3
Europe in Crisis The Wars of Religion
Preview Questions
  • What were the causes and results of Frances wars
    of religion?
  • How do the policies of Elizabeth I of England and
    Philip II of Spain compare?

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Section 1-6
During the reign of her half sister Mary,
Elizabeth I was arrested and sent to the Tower of
London on suspicion of contributing to a plot to
overthrow the government and restore
Protestantism. -Two months of interrogation and
spying revealed no conclusive evidence of
treason. -Therefore, Elizabeth was released from
the tower and placed in close custody for a year.
  • Absolutism was the political belief that one
    ruler should hold all of the power in a country
  • -referred to as an absolute monarch
  • -goal was to control every aspect of society
  • -believed in divine right
  • (a) idea that God created the monarchy (b) the
    monarch acted as Gods representative on earth

  • Causes
  • Religious territorial conflicts created fear
  • Growth of armies
  • Heavy taxes to unrest bigger armies

  • Effects
  • Rulers regulated religious worship social
    gatherings to control the spread of ideas
  • Rulers increased the size of their courts to
    appear more powerful
  • Rulers created elaborate bureaucracies to run the
    nations economy

Section 1-7
The French Wars of Religion
  • Calvinism and Catholicism had become militant
    (combative) religions by 1560.
  • Their struggle for converts and against each
    other was the main cause of Europes 16th century
    religious wars.

(pages 211212)
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Section 1-8
The French Wars of Religion (cont.)
  • The French civil wars known as the French Wars of
    Religion (15621598) were shattering.
  • The Huguenots were French Protestants influenced
    by John Calvin.
  • Huguenots made up almost 50 of the nobility
  • -including the house of Bourbon, which was next
    in line for the Valois dynasty.

(pages 211212)
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Section 1-9
The French Wars of Religion (cont.)
  • The existing Valois monarchy was strongly
  • A group in France called the ultra-Catholics also
    strongly opposed the Huguenots.
  • Civil war raged for 30 years until in 1589
  • - Henry of Navarre, leader of the Huguenots,
    succeeded to the throne as Henry IV.

(pages 211212)
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Section 1-11
  • He later converted to Catholicism he realized
    he would not have the support of French
  • He issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598.
  • It recognized Catholicism as Frances official
  • but gave the Huguenots the right to worship
  • to have all political privileges, such as
    holding office.

(pages 211212)
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Section 1-12
The Edict of Nantes is sometimes called the Edict
of Tolerance. Explain why this is appropriate.
The edict recognized Catholicism as the official
religion of France, but it also gave the
Huguenotsthe name for French protestantsthe
right to worship and to enjoy all political
(pages 211212)
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Section 1-13
Phillip II and Militant Catholicism
  • King Philip II of Spain was the greatest
    supporter of militant Catholicism.
  • He ruled from 1556 to 1598, and his reign began a
    period of cultural and political greatness in

(pages 212213)
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Section 1-14
Phillip II and Militant Catholicism
  • Philip II wanted to consolidate control over his
    landsSpain, the Netherlands, and possessions in
    Italy and the Americas.

-He did this by insisting on strict adherence to
Catholicism and support for the monarchy. -Spain
saw itself as the nation God chose to save
Catholic Christianity from the Protestant
-Philip II became a champion of Catholicism
(pages 212213)
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Section 1-16
  • Not everyone liked Philips rule
  • The nobles in Spanish Netherlandsmodern
    Netherlands and Belgiumwas very rich
  • -they did not like him taking so much power

-When Calvinists began to destroy church statues,
Philip sent ten thousand troops to stop the
(pages 212213)
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Section 1-17
  • In the north, the Dutch prince William the Silent
    offered growing resistance to Philip.

-In 1609, a 12-year truce stopped the wars. -The
north became the United Provinces of the
Netherlands -which was one of Europes great
powers and the core of the modern Dutch state.
(pages 212213)
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Section 1-18
Power shifts to England
  • Spain was the worlds most populous empire when
    Philips reign ended in 1598.

-but due to Philips war spending, the country
was broke -His successor continued to overspend,
now on court life. -Further, Spains armed
forces were out-of-date and the government was
inefficient. -Real power shifted to England.
(pages 212213)
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Section 1-21
The England of Elizabeth
Elizabeth Tudor ascended to the throne of England
in 1558. -Elizabeth quickly tried to resolve the
religious conflicts.
-She repealed laws favoring Catholics. -A new
Act of Supremacy named her as the only supreme
governor of church and state. -The Church of
England practiced a moderate Protestantism.
(pages 213214)
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Section 1-22
  • Elizabeth also was moderate in foreign affairs.

She tried to keep France and Spain from becoming
too powerful by supporting first one and then the
other, balancing their power. -Even so, she
could not escape a conflict with Spain. -Philip
II even thought about invading England to return
it to Catholicism.
(pages 213214)
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Section 1-23
  • In 1588, Spain sent an armada to invade England.
  • Yet the fleet that sailed had neither the
    manpower nor the ships to be victorious.
  • .

(pages 213214)
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Section 1-27
Checking for Understanding
List the ways Elizabeth demonstrated moderation
in her religious policy.
Elizabeth demonstrated moderation in her
religious policy by repealing laws favoring
Catholics and by practicing moderate
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Section 1-28
Critical Thinking
Making Generalizations Why did Philip II send
out his fleet knowing he did not have enough
ships or manpower?
Philip II sent his fleet because he believed in
the cause and had faith in a miracle.
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Section 2-6
After the restoration of King Charles II, Oliver
Cromwells embalmed remains were dug out of his
Westminster Abbey tomb and hung up at Tyburn,
where criminals were executed. His body was then
buried beneath the gallows. Cromwells head,
however, was stuck on a pole on top of
Westminster Hall for the duration of Charles
IIs reign.
Section 2-7
Economic and Social Crises
  • From 1560 to 1650, Europe experienced economic
    and social crises.
  • One economic problem was inflation due to the
    large supply of gold from the Americas and
    increased demand for land and food as the
    population grew.

(pages 216217)
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Section 2-8
  • By 1600, an economic slowdown had hit Europe.
  • For example, Spains economy seriously fell by
    the 1640s because mines in the Americas were
    producing less silver, pirates grabbed much of
    what was bound for Spain, and the number of
    Muslim and Jewish merchants and artisans had

(pages 216217)
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Section 2-9
  • By 1620, population began to decline, especially
    in central and southern Europe.
  • Warfare, plague, and famine all contributed to
    the population decline and general social tension.

(pages 216217)
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Section 2-10
Economic and Social Crises (cont.)
Why might an influx of currency raise prices
(called inflation)?
The more money people have to spend, the more
competition there is among buyers for products,
so sellers are able to raise prices and still
sell successfully.
(pages 216217)
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Section 2-11
The Witchcraft Trials
  • A belief in witchcraft, or magic, had been part
    of traditional village life for centuries.
  • A series of trials called the Inquisition was
    focused on witchcraft, and many people in Europe
    were seized by a hysteria about the matter.

(page 217)
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Section 2-12
  • Perhaps more than 100,000 people were charged
    with witchcraft.

-Most often common people were accused. -More
than 75 of the accused were women, mostly
single, widowed, or over 50. -Accused witches
were tortured and usually confessed to such
things as swearing allegiance to the devil,
casting spells, and attending revels at night
called sabbats. -eventually attitudes changed and
people no longer hunted witches by 1650
(page 217)
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Section 2-14
The Witchcraft Trials (cont.)
What role, if any, did gender play in the witch
trials of Europe of this time period?
(page 217)
Section 2-15
The Thirty Years War
  • Religious disputes continued in Germany after the
    Peace of Augsburg in 1555 principally because
    the peace settlement did not recognize Calvinism,
    which spread throughout Europe.
  • -Peace of Augsburg allowed each German state to
    decide its own religion
  • -mainly decide between Protestant or Catholic

(pages 217218)
Section 2-16
  • Religion, politics, and territory all played a
    role in the Thirty Years War, called the last
    of the religious wars.
  • The Thirty Years War was Europes most
    destructive ever.
  • The war began in the Holy Roman Empire in 1618 as
    a fight between the Hapsburg Holy Roman emperors
    and Protestant nobles in Bohemia who rebelled
    against the Hapsburgs.
  • -All major European countries but England became

-It ended all religious wars
(pages 217218)
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Section 2-18
  • The battles took place on German soil, and
    Germany was plundered and destroyed for 30 years.

-The Peace of Westphalia ended the war in 1648.
(1) it weakened the Hapsburg states of Spain (2)
It strengthened France (3) German princes
independent of the Roman Empire (4) It ended all
religious wars .
(pages 217218)
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Section 2-20
  • The Thirty Years War was Europes most
    destructive ever.
  • -The flintlock musket (with a bayonet) was a new,
    accurate weapon that could be reloaded faster
    than earlier firearms.
  • -this allowed greater troop movement on the
  • Governments began to support standing armies.
  • -By 1700, France had a standing army of 400,000.

(pages 217218)
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Section 2-22
Revolutions in England
  • The 17th century saw Englands civil war, the
    English Revolution.
  • In essence, it was a struggle between Parliament
    and the king to determine the power of each in
    governing England.

(pages 219221)
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Section 2-23
  • The Tudor dynasty ended with Elizabeths death in
  • The Stuart king of Scotland, James I, ascended to
    the throne.
  • -He believed in the divine right of kingsthat
    kings receive their power from God and are
    responsible only to God.
  • -Parliament wanted an equal role in ruling,

(pages 219221)
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Section 2-24
  • Religion was an issue as well.

-Puritans (one group of English Calvinists)
disagreed with the kings defense of the Church
of England, -wanted it to be more Protestant.
-purify the church of any all Catholic
practices -Many Puritans served in the House of
Commons, the lower house of Parliament, which
gave them power.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-25
  • Conflict came to a head under the reign of James
    Is son, Charles I, who also believed in the
    divine right of kings.

-Charles I tried to add ritual to the Protestant
service, which to the Puritans seemed a return to
-Thousands of Puritans went to America rather
than adhere to Charles Is religious policies.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-27
  • Civil war broke out in 1642 between supporters of
    the king (Cavaliers or Royalists) and those of
    Parliament (Roundheads).

-Parliament won, due to the military genius,
Oliver Cromwell. -His army was made up chiefly
of extreme Puritans known as the Independents.
-They believed they were doing battle for God.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-28
  • Cromwell purged Parliament of anyone who had not
    supported him,
  • -the remainder of Parliament executed Charles I
    in 1649.

-The execution of the king horrified much of
Europe. -Parliament abolished the monarchy and
the House of Lords, -also declared England
republic, or commonwealth.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-29
  • Cromwell soon dismissed Parliament and set up a
    military dictatorship.

-He ruled until his death in 1658. -Parliament
then restored the monarchy, and Charles II took
the throne. -Under the restored Stuart monarchy,
Parliament kept much of the power it had gained.
-It restored the Church of England as the state
religion and restricted some rights of Catholics
and Puritans.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-30
  • In 1685, James II became king.

-He was a devout Catholic. -James named
Catholics to high positions in the government,
armed forces, and universities. -Conflict over
religion again stirred.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-31
  • Parliament did not want James IIs Catholic son
    to assume the throne.
  • A group of English noblemen invited the Dutch
    leader, William of Orange, husband of Jamess
    daughter Mary, to invade England.
  • William and Mary raised an army and marched to
  • James and his family fled, so with almost no
    violence, England underwent its Glorious
  • The issue was who would be monarch.

(pages 219221)
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Section 2-32
  • William and Mary accepted the throne in 1689
  • -The English Bill of Rights -which set forth
    Parliaments right to make laws and levy taxes.

-standing armies could be raised only with
Parliaments consent. -gave citizens the right
to bear arms -to have a jury trial -created a
government based on the rule of law and a freely
elected Parliament. -set the groundwork for a
limited, constitutional monarch
(pages 219221)
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Chapter Transparency
Section 2-34
  • The Toleration Act of 1689 gave Puritans, not
    Catholics, the right of free public worship.

-Few English citizens were persecuted for
religion ever again, however. -By deposing one
king and establishing another, Parliament had
destroyed the divine right theory of kingship.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-35
Revolutions in England (cont.)
Why would the execution of a king be so
horrifying in 1649?
Possible answer Many people believed that there
was a connection between the king and God, so the
execution must have seemed blasphemous. To other
rulers, it seemed an invitation to anarchy.
(pages 219221)
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Section 2-36
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column
with the appropriate term in the right column.
__ 1. a republic __ 2. a rapid increase in
prices __ 3. the practice of magic by people
supposedly in league with the devil __ 4. the
belief that kings receive their power from God
and are responsible only to God
A. inflation B. witchcraft C. divine right of
kings D. commonwealth
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Section 2-39
Critical Thinking
Drawing Conclusions Which nation emerged
stronger after the Thirty Years War? Did thirty
years of fighting accomplish any of the original
motives for waging the war?
France emerged stronger after the Thirty Years
War. After thirty years of fighting, the
Protestants made some gains, but Germany did not
fare well.
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Section 3-7
France under Louis XIV
  • One way countries dealt with the instability of
    the 17th century was by increasing the monarchys

-absolutism, a system in which the ruler has
total power. -It also includes the idea of the
divine right of kings. -Absolute monarchs could
make laws, levy taxes, administer justice,
control the states officials, and determine
foreign policy.
(pages 223226)
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Section 3-8
  • French power and culture spread throughout
  • Other courts imitated the court of Louis XIV.

(pages 223226)
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Section 3-9
France under Louis XIV (cont.)
The best example of 17th century absolutism is
the reign of Louis XIV of France. -Louis XIV
were only boys when they came to power.
-A royal minister held power for each up to a
certain age, Cardinal Mazarin -he helped preserve
the monarchy.
(pages 223226)
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Section 3-6
At the time of his fathers death, the
four-year-old Louis XIV was, according to the
laws of his kingdom, the owner of the bodies and
property of 19 million subjects. Nonetheless, he
once narrowly escaped drowning in a pond because
no one was watching him.
Section 3-11
  • Louis XIV came to the throne in 1643 at age four.
  • During Mazarins rule, nobles rebelled against
    the throne, but their efforts were crushed.
  • Many French people concluded that the best chance
    for stability was with a monarch.

(pages 223226)
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Section 3-12
  • Louis XIV took power in 1661 at age 23.

-He wanted to beand was to besole ruler of
France. -All were to report to him for orders or
approval of orders. -He fostered the myth of
himself as the Sun Kingthe source of light for
his people.
(pages 223226)
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Section 3-13
  • The royal court Louis established at Versailles
    served three purposes.
  • It was the kings household
  • the location of the chief offices of the state
  • and a place where the powerful could find favors
    and offices for themselves.
  • From Versailles, Louis controlled the central
    policy-making machinery of government.

(pages 223226)
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Section 3-15
-Louis had an anti-Huguenot policy, wanting the
Huguenots to convert to Catholicism.
-He destroyed Huguenot churches and closed
Huguenot schools. -The mercantilist policies of
the brilliant Jean-Baptiste Colbert helped Louis
with the money he needed for maintaining his
court and pursuing his wars.
(pages 223226)
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Section 3-16
  • Louis developed a standing army of 400,000

-he wanted to dominate Europe. -To do this, he
waged four wars between 1667 and 1713 -upon his
death in 1715, France was debt-ridden and
surrounded by enemies
(pages 223226)
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Section 2-16
Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Religion, politics, and territory all played a
    role in the Thirty Years War, called the last
    of the religious wars.
  • -The Thirty Years War was Europes most
    destructive ever.

-The war began in the Holy Roman Empire in 1618
-a fight between the Hapsburgs and Protestant
nobles in Bohemia who rebelled against the
(pages 217218)
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  • -All major European countries but England became
  • -The battles took place on German soil, and
    Germany was plundered and destroyed for 30 years.
  • -It ended all religious wars

Section 3-19
  • After the Thirty Years War, two German
    statesPrussia and Austriaemerged in the 17th
    and 18th centuries as great powers.

(1) Frederick William the Great Elector
established the basis for the Prussian state.
-He built an efficient standing army of 40,000
men, the 4th-largest army in Europe.
(pages 226227)
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Section 3-20
-He set up the General War Commissariat to
oversee the army.
-It soon became a bureaucratic machine for civil
government as well. -he used it to govern the
state and to do as he pleased -but he ruled as a
father would rule his children (although he would
have none of his own)-
(pages 226227)
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Section 3-21
(2) The Austrian Hapsburgs had long been Holy
Roman emperors.
-After the Thirty Years War, the center of their
empire was in present-day Austria, the Czech
Republic, and Hungary.
  • In 1711, Charles VI was its ruler
  • -so many different cultures in one country made
    it difficult to rule
  • -to see that his family continued to reign, he
    persuaded the local rulers to accept his eldest
    daughter, Maria Theresa as his heir
  • (she took over in 1740)

(pages 226227)
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  • But both leaders wanted to prove their
  • -aligning themselves with former enemies will
    create a problem
  • Seven Years War (1756) fought by almost all
    countries in Europe, even spreading to North
  • Ended in 1763, did not change anything in Europe
  • -in North America, Brit. won

Section 3-18
France under Louis XIV (cont.)
What are the basic principles of mercantilism?
Mercantilism stresses the need to have a
favorable balance of trade for a country to be
wealthy and grow economically. Mercantilism
stresses having high reserves of gold and silver,
and using colonies as sources of bullion and raw
goods and as markets for the parent country.
(pages 223226)
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Section 3-24
Russia under Peter the Great
  • In the 16th century, Ivan IV became the first
    Russian ruler to take the title of czar, Russian
    for caesar.

-Called Ivan the Terrible for his ruthlessness,
he expanded Russia eastward and crushed the power
of the Russian boyars (the nobility).
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-25
  • The end of Ivans rule in 1598 was followed by a
    period of anarchy called the Time of Troubles.

-It ended when the national assembly chose
Michael Romanov as czar in 1613. -The Romanov
dynasty lasted until 1917.
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-26
  • Its most prominent ruler was Peter the Great,
    coming to power in 1689
  • -believed in the divine right of kings.

-He wanted European technology to create a great
army to support Russia as a great power. -By
Peters death in 1725, Russia was an important
European state.
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-27
  • To create his army, Peter drafted peasants for
    25-year stints.

-formed the first Russian navy. -he divided
Russia into provinces to rule more effectively.
-he wanted to create a police state, by which
he meant a well-ordered community governed by law.
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-28
  • Peter introduced Western customs and etiquette.

-At court, Russian beards had to be shaved and
coats shortened, for example, as were the customs
in Europe. -He insisted women remove their
veils, and he held gatherings for conversation
and dancing where the sexes mixed, as in Europe.
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-29
  • Peters goal was to make Russia a great power.

-An important part of this was finding a port
with access to Europe through the Baltic Sea.
-After a war with Sweden, he got what he
wanted -On the Baltic in 1703, he began
construction of a new city, St. Petersburg. -he
wanted it to be like other western cities he had
visited -It was the Russian capital until 1918.
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-30
Russia under Peter the Great (cont.)
Why would a port with access to Europe be
important for being a world power?
At the time, much long-distance travel and trade
was by ship. Europe was the important cultural
and political area closest to Russia. Peter
wanted to Europeanize his country and needed
ready access to the ideas and commodities
available in Europe.
(pages 227229)
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Section 3-31
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column
with the appropriate term in the right column.
__ 1. a political system in which a ruler holds
total power __ 2. a Russian noble __ 3. Russian
for caesar, the title used by Russian emperors
A. absolutism B. czar C. boyar
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End of Section 3
Section 4-7
  • The artistic Renaissance ended 1520s and 1530s.

-a new movement, Mannerism broke down the High
Renaissance values of balance, harmony,
moderation, and proportion. -Elongated figures
showed suffering, heightened emotions, and
religious ecstasy.
-Mannerism reached its height with the painter El
Greco (the Greek). -was eventually replaced by
the Baroque Period
(pages 230231)
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Section 4-10
Mannerism (cont.)
View a painting by El Greco. Do you like the
style he used? Why or why not?
(pages 230231)
Section 4-12
The Baroque Period
  • Baroque artists tried to join Renaissance ideals
    with the newly revived spiritual feelings.

-it was known for dramatic effects to arouse
emotions. -Baroque art and architecture also
reflected the 17th century search for power.
-Churches and palaces were magnificent and
richly detailed, giving off a sense of power.
(page 231)
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Section 4-13
  • The Italian architect and sculptor Gian Lorenzo
    Bernini is perhaps the greatest figure of the
    baroque period.

-He completed Saint Peters Basilica in Rome
where drama and exuberance mark his work.
(page 231)
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Section 4-14
  • The best-known female artist of the seventeenth
    century was Artemisia Gentileschi.

-At the age of 23, she became the first woman
elected to the Florentine Academy of Design.
-She is best known for a series of pictures of
Old Testament heroines, especially Judith
Beheading Holofernes.
(page 231)
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Section 4-18
A Golden Age of Literature
  • England had a cultural flourishing during the
    Elizabethan Era.

-Most notable was the drama of the time,
especially that of William Shakespeare.
-Shakespeares works were performed principally
at the Globe Theater. -Shakespeare is viewed as
a universal genius who combined masterful
language skills with deep insight into human
psychology and the human condition
(pages 231232)
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Section 4-26
  • (1) Thomas Hobbes.

Political Thought
-He wrote a work on political thought, Leviathan
(1651), to deal with the issue of civil
disorder. -He claimed that before society, man
was selfish and evil. -Life is not about morals,
but self-preservation.
(page 233)
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Section 4-27
  • To save people from destroying one another,
    people must form a state by agreeing to be
    governed by an absolute ruler with complete

-Only in this way could social order be preserved.
(page 233)
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Section 4-28
(2) John Locke wrote a political work called Two
Treatises of Government (1690).
-He argued against the absolute rule of one
person. -he believed that before the development
of society and politics, people lived in a state
of freedom and equality, not violence and war.
-In this state people had natural rightsrights
with which people are born.
(page 233)
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Section 4-29
-They agree to establish a government to secure
and protect these rights. -The contract between
people and government establishes mutual
obligations. -If the contract is broken, people
have a right to overthrow the government.
(page 233)
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Section 4-30
  • Lockes ideas were important to the American and
    French Revolutions.

-They were used to support demands for
constitutional government, the rule of law, and
the protection of rights. -Lockes ideas are
found in the American Declaration of Independence
and the United States Constitution.
(page 233)
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Section 4-31
Political Thought (cont.)
Do you agree with Hobbess view that human nature
is thoroughly self-interested? Why or why not?
(page 233)
Section 4-32
Checking for Understanding
Define Match each definition in the left column
with the appropriate term in the right column.
__ 1. an artistic style of the seventeenth
century characterized by complex forms, bold
ornamentation, and contrasting elements __
2. an artistic movement that emerged in Italy in
the 1520s and 1530s it marked the end of the
Renaissance by breaking down the principles of
balance, harmony, and moderation __ 3. rights
with which all humans are supposedly born,
including the rights to life, liberty, and
A. Mannerism B. baroque C. natural rights
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Section 4-34
Checking for Understanding
Summarize the mutual obligations between people
and government as understood by Locke.
Locke believed the governments obligation was to
protect peoples rights. He believed the peoples
obligation was to act reasonably toward
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Chapter Summary 1
Chapter Summary
The rulers of Europe during the sixteenth,
seventeenth, and early eighteenth centuries
battled to expand their borders, power, and
religion. This chart summarizes some of the
events of the chapter.
Chapter Assessment 10
Critical Thinking
Compare and Contrast Compare the political
thought of John Locke to the American form of
government. What would Locke support? What would
he not support?
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Chapter Assessment 11
Critical Thinking
Locke believed that humans had certain natural
rights to life, liberty, and property. This
belief is reflected in our belief in the
inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. He believed that the
government had a duty to protect the rights of
the people and when it fails, that the people
have a right to form a new government. This is
similar to what happened when the American
colonists declared independence from Britain. He
would probably approve wholeheartedly of the
American system of government.
Chapter Assessment 18
Standardized Test Practice
Directions Choose the best answer to the
following question.
All of the following resulted from the English
Glorious Revolution EXCEPT F the idea of the
divine right of kings. G the addition of a Bill
of Rights to the English constitution. H the
restoration of a monarch in England. J increased
religious freedom for Protestants.
Test-Taking Tip Key words such as except or not
dramatically change the test question. Always
read carefully so you do not miss key words.
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Chapter Assessment 19
If you could spend an evening with one of the
rulers you have met in this chapter, who would it
be and what would you do? Answer in the form of
a brief essay.
Maps and Charts 1
Maps and Charts 1-b
Maps and Charts 2-1
Maps and Charts 2-2
Maps and Charts 2-2x
Maps and Charts 3-1
Maps and Charts 3-2
Maps and Charts 3
Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
about 1900
England the English ships had more cannons per
ship than did the Spanish
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Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
The most famous civil war in England was the
English Revolution.
Parliament offered the throne to William and Mary.
They did not support it.
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display the answers.
Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
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display the answers.
Daily Focus Skills Transparency 4
Shakespeare has been viewed as a universal genius.
William Shakespeare was a famous playwright and
The era was named for Queen Elizabeth because
great works of drama and literature and a
cultural flowering occurred during her reign.
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