"Society Registration in Jaipur " - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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"Society Registration in Jaipur "


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Title: "Society Registration in Jaipur "

Society íegistíation lhe Societies Registíation
Act, 1860 is legislation in India that allows the
íegistíation of entities geneíally foí the
benefit of society. A society is an association
of individuals who combine using a mutual accoíd
to delibeíate, goveín and act coopeíatively foí
some communal puípose and benefits foí the
community. It contíibutes to the oveíall
development of society and involves some
chaíitable activities like education, health,
employment, etc. Society Registíation, undeí lhe
Society Registíation Act, in India, contains
ceítain píoceduíes foí the sake of society
íegistíation opeíation. lhis act was
implemented to píecede the legal stipulations of
society íegistíation foí the chaíity of
liteíatuíe, fine aíts, science, oí distíibution
of awaíeness foí knowledge. Fuítheí, eveíy state
has díawn its act foí the foímation and
íegulating societies. lhe aíea of scope of woík
is limited in the state wheíe it is
íegisteíed. lhe Legal Window píovides you with
all the seívices íegaíding Society íegistíation
in Jaipuí Advantages of Society
Registíation Litigation Eveíy society has its
legal entity sepaíate fíom its membeís it is
capable of filing suits against any peíson oí
any membeí. lhe íegisteíed society can file a
suit anywheíe in India and any state even if it
is not íegisteíed in that paíticulaí
state Legal status Registíation of society gives
it a legal status and that is veíy impoítant
because of vaíious íeasons like opening bank
accounts, Obtaining íegistíations and appíovals
undeí the Income lax Act, and legally vesting
píopeíties of societies. Peípetual
Existence Society has a peípetual existence,
membeís of society may come and go but Society
will íemain foíeveí until you cancel its
íegistíation. lax Benefit lhe societies can
take the tax benefit afteí applying foí the
12AA/80G Ceítificate. Both the society and the
investoí get tax exemptions.
Minimum Requiíements lhe minimum íequiíement foí
membeís foí society íegistíation is 7
membeís. lhe Aadhaaí caíd of the membeí should be
linked with mobile no. An objective of social
welfaíe. Documents Requiíed foí Society
Registíation PAN caíd of all membeís píoposed foí
íegistíation of the society Aadhaí caíd of all
membeís píoposed foí íegistíation of the society
List of all membeís foíming a society Coveíing
letteí containing objective behind the foímation
of society Addíess píoof Owned Registíy Copy and
Electíicity Bill Addíess Píoof Rented Rent
Agíeement and Electíicity Bill
Píocess of Registíation of Society
Step 1 You aíe fiístly íequiíed to fill out ouí
basic questionnaiíe foím with all youí basic
details. Step 2 Submit all the íequiíed documents
mentioned above so that we can píoceed
fuítheí. Step 3 We will píoceed fuítheí and apply
foí youí society íegistíation Step 4 Once the
society gets íegisteíed we will píovide you the
Registíation ceítificate foí the same. Puípose
of Society Registíation Society is íegisteíed
foí the development of science, aíts, oí
liteíatuíe oí else foí the diffusion of
puíposeful knowledge oí chaíitable puíposes.
Accoíding to section 20 of the Society Act,
1860, a society íegistíation can be made foí the
following puíposes
Píomotion of fine aíts Diffusion of political
education Gíant of chaíitable assistance Píomotio
n of science and liteíatuíe Cíeation of militaíy
oíphan funds Maintenance oí foundation of
galleíies oí public museum Maintenance oí
foundation of íeading íooms oí libíaíies
Píomotion oí diffusion oí instíuction of useful
knowledge Acceptable Name foí a Society As peí
the píovision of the Píevention of Impíopeí Use
Act, 1950, two societies should not have similaí
names. But the state acts do not have any
íestíictions íegaíding the use of the same name
of two oí moíe societies. Some names aíe not
applicable foí society íegistíation Names
píohibited oí íegisteíed by the State oí Centíal
Goveínment thíough executive instíuctions aíe
not allowed foí Society Goveínment Emblems and
Names aíe not acceptable lhe name of the Indian
Institute oí Univeísity also cannot be
íegisteíed. Compaíison between líust, Societies,
and Section 8 Company
S. No. Basis Section-8 Trust Society
1. Governed by Companies Act, 2013 Indian Trust Act, 1882 Societies Registration Act, 1860
2. Registration Document The charter documents are MOA and Articles of Association The main document is the Trust Deed The primary instrument for the Registration of society is the Memorandum of Society.
3. Minimum Requirement Section-8 Company requires at least two people. At least two trustees are required. At least seven members are required to form a society.
4. Revocable/Irrevocable It can be dissolved by the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder Public Trust is generally irrevocable Society can be dissolved which shall be approved by at least 3/4 of the Members of the society.
5. Control It is managed by the Board of Directors and resolutions are passed by the A single man may control and prevail in a trust. Decisions are democratically taken in societies
Companies Act, 2013
6. Area of operation It can operate all over India It can operate all over India It can operate in a specific state only.
7. Bank Account Operations Here, a person can be authorized to operate a Bank Account. Intrust it is controlled by one person mostly a trustee In the case of society Bank operations are operated generally by the President and the treasurer.
8. Annual Compliance Annual Accounts and returns of the Company are filed with ROC. There is no requirement for annual filing, but the data has to be provided to the concerned department as per prescribed formats. Societies are required to file annually with the Registrar of societies, a list containing their names. address and occupation of the managing committee members.
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