Title: The Key Principles of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy
1The Key Principles of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy
2A graduate of Barnard College, Columbia
University, Lisa Napolitano has a Ph.D. in
clinical psychology from Fordham University. She
is licensed to practice in New York and Florida.
As the Founder and Executive Director of CBT/DBT
Associates in New York City, Dr. Lisa Napolitano
practices dialectical behavior therapy (DBT),
which teaches behavioral skills to help
individuals deal with emotional problems. . She
provides teletherapy, offering remote sessions
for individuals and groups.
3A specialized form of cognitive behavioral
therapy, DBT has at its core a number of
mindfulness-based interventions to help patients
remain in the moment rather than worrying about
what could happen or thinking about what has
already happened. Mindfulness techniques result
in decreased stress and anxiety, as well as
improved emotion regulation. In DBT, patients
learn how to navigate complex and powerful
feelings, rather than become overwhelmed by them.
Identifying and naming emotions can lead to more
positive emotional experiences.
4DBT aims to increase a persons distress
tolerance through techniques such as distraction
or self-soothing, helping patients better weather
challenging or stressful situations. DBT also
introduces specific listening and sharing skills
that can help cultivate successful interpersonal
5Contact Us
Address 501 Madison Ave. Suite 303 New York, NY
Email Us intake_at_cbtdbtassocs.com
Phone no 646-679-5767