Title: Tips To Cure A Mouth Sore
14 Simple Tips to Cure a Mouth Sore
2Mouth sores are incredibly painful and can make
it difficult to speak, eat, or drink. In this
presentation, well provide you with some tips
that will help your mouth sore heal faster so
that you can get back to your life pain-free!
31. Salt Rinse
Rinsing your canker sore with a cup of lukewarm
salt water for 30 seconds will help disinfect the
area and speed up healing.
42. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
Hydrogen peroxide rinse is an effective way to
reduce canker sore pain and expedite healing.
53. Nutritious Food
When you have a cold sore, eating healthy can
help equip your immune system with the tools it
needs to fight off the virus.
64. Glycine Cream
Applying this cream to cold sores as soon as they
start developing can help speed up the healing
7At Dr. Kinga Kubieniec Dentistry, we provide
canker and cold sore treatment in Toronto that
can help relieve your symptoms. Our team of
experienced professionals provides the best care
for you and your mouth sores. Even after trying
these tips to cure mouth sore if your symptoms
worsen over time, dont delay book an
appointment with us today!
8Have A Perfect Smile!
Contact Us
Dr. Kinga Kubieniec Dentistry
790 Bay St. Suite 1004, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1N8
(416) 922-1053