Title: Reasons To Massage Your Baby on A Regular Basis
1Reasons To Massage Your Baby on A Regular Basis
2In India, it is a long-standing custom that is
passed down from father to son to massage the
newborn with oil before bathing him or her. Do
you know what advantages baby massage offers,
though? Most people are aware that baby massage
promotes and strengthens the baby's bones. What
does research on the advantages of massaging
babies say? Baby massage offers a lot of
additional advantages besides enhancing the
mother-baby attachment. Here are 9 advantages of
baby massage that science has established.
3The Ideal Age To Start Massaging Despite the
fact that there is no set time for beginning an
oil massage on a newborn, it is always a good
idea to wait until the child has reached the
one-month mark. Because the newborn's skin is
still developing and won't become water-resistant
for at least two weeks, this is the
case. Additionally, it will take roughly 15
days for the naval base to completely dry after
losing the umbilical cord stub. In the interim,
if any massage oil gets lodged there, the danger
of infection is raised. Furthermore, a baby will
become more touch-responsive after a month.
4Benefits Of Baby Massage Oil Will Happen When It
Is Done Regularly Consider massaging your child
every day at the same time. By doing this, you'll
establish a schedule that the infant eventually
grows used to and comes to expect. Sesame oil for
body massage is the best. The risks of the
baby becoming irritated will be reduced as a
result. Babies dislike surprises, and routines
are their favourite thing. However, when
something they anticipated happens, people
typically respond positively.
5Baby Massage Before Bath Many mothers also have
this skepticism. A massage is typically performed
prior to taking a bath. However, you can also
give your infant a massage after a wash. What you
use to massage the baby will depend on the goal.
It is best to wash away extra oil or lotion
during the bath, which is why baby massages are
performed before baths.
6Helps Baby To Better Sleep After a nice
massage, babies are known to sleep soundly.
Studies demonstrate that massage enhances
post-massage sleep. According to recent research,
when babies under 6 months old receive a massage,
their levels of the stress hormone cortisol are
found to significantly decrease. Production of
melatonin rises as cortisol levels drop. A
hormone that controls sleep is melatonin.
Therefore, after receiving a nice massage,
newborns quickly fall asleep.
7Wrapping Up Bonding with the baby through
massage is crucial. However, you now know that
there are additional, scientifically supported
advantages of massaging a newborn. The act of
massaging a newborn is not a recent one. Not even
an old custom applies here. Actually, it belongs
to nature. You may have noticed that all mammals,
from cats to lions, lick their young to massage
them. In addition to washing them, this is also a
way to get their bodily functions back to normal.
You can use cold pressed black sesame oil which
is great for baby massage.
8 Thank You!
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Circle, Raiya Road, 360005 Rajkot Gujarat, India