Title: EU Trademark
1EU Trademark
We made it affordablel
2About Us
- The European Union (EU) Trademark registration is
an essential part of doing business in the EU.
It protects - companies and individuals who wish to use a
unique logo, slogan, or other type of trademark
in the EU. By taking this step, you are ensuring
that your brand is protected and that it has
exclusive rights throughout the region. It allows
them to register their mark with the European
Union Intellectual - Property Office (EUIPO). Once registered, EU
Trademark can be used across all EU member
states, protecting against infringement from
3Our Vision
Regimark is an online service for the EU
trademark registration, the UK trademark
registration, and international trademark
registration, particularly in the USA, Canada
and China, offered by Agency TRIA ROBIT - one
of the oldest IP practices in Eastern Europe
(MIP) (WTR) (LEGAL500). High quality professional
online services Very competitive attorney
fees Free preliminary trademark search
99 success rate on approved applications
4Our Mission
We believe that starting a new company,
launching a new product or service should be
hassle-free in terms of administrative
formalities! One of the primary concerns that
you face is the need to choose a new name for
your company, product or service and ensure its
proper protection. www.regimark.eu
5Contact Us!
www.regimark.eu Ganu iela 4-7,Latvia,Riga,
Europe LV-1010
6Thank You!