Title: How artificial insemination for dogs works
In the last decade, the number of dog breeders
turning to artificial insemination for dogs has
been on the increase. People are beginning to
realise the benefit of artificial insemination
for dogs, the stress and inconvenience it
mitigates, and the physical obstacles and dangers
it helps subdue. In this Infographic, we will
briefly outline how the procedure
COLLECTIOn Semen from studs can be collected from
anywhere in the world, frozen and inseminated
into a bitch at any point in the future if stored
in the right conditions. Manual extraction of the
semen from a stud is straightforward enough for
someone who knows what they are doing. Even if
the semen degrades during transportation, it
still represents a better process than inducing
anxiety in dogs through long journeys. PROGESTERO
nE TESTInG Before the insemination procedure
commences, fertility clinicians will carry out
progesterone testing to determine when the bitch
will reach the ideal ovulating stage in her
cycle. By testing, you vastly increase the
chances of conception. TRAnSCERVICAL
InSEMInATIOn The primary method employed
for artificially inseminating dogs is a non-
surgical procedure known as transcervical
insemination. The clinician will use an endoscope
so they can insert a catheter. They then inject
the semen into the uterus through the cervix.
Unlike the surgical procedure, this method
doesnt require an anaesthetic for the dog and is
relatively stress-free. https//www.cavandogferti