Title: Lecture 24 Embryogenesis and Meristems
1Lecture 24 Embryogenesis and Meristems
- Definitions
- Stages of embryo development
- Meristems root apical meristem
- shoot apical meristem
- Formation and maintenance of apical meristem
- process that initiates plant development -
transforms a single-celled zygote into a
multicellular, microscopic, embryonic plant
(embryo) - generates a complex core structure,
the seedling
5Embryogenesis establishes essential features of a
mature plant
Embryogenesis does not directly generate tissue
and organs of the adult plant. Entire adult
plant morphology is generated by the activities
of apical meristems.
3 weeks
5 weeks
6Meristems in plant development
What are meristems? - Populations of small,
isodiametric cells (having equal dimensions on
all sides) with embryonic characteristics -
retain embryonic character indefinitely (stem
cells), because some meristematic cells do not
undergo differentiation Vegetative meristems
- form body of root or stem - continuously
regenerate themselves
Reproductive meristem - primary
inflorescence meristem - secondary
inflorescence meristem
Stem cell
Daughter cells
Committed cells
Differentiated cells
7Stages of Arabidopsis embryo development
8Embryogenesis is characterized by a precise
pattern of cell division
1-cell 2-cell 8-cell
early globular
early heart late heart torpedo
mature embryo
9Postembryonic development of Arabidopsis
10Embryogenesis requires specific gene expression
Hypocotyl and root are missing
Root meristem
Heart stage/triangular stage
MP MONOPTEROS is involved in auxin signal
Wild type
11Root apical meristem (RAM) - Root development
Root tip has four developmental zones Root
cap Meristematic zone Elongation zone Maturation
(Differentiation) zone
All root tissues are derived from a small number
of stem cells in RAM
12Model of lateral root formation
Stage 6
- Lateral roots arise form the
- pericycle in mature regions
- of the root
- Cell division in pericycle establish
- secondary meristems that grow
- out through the cortex and epidermis
13Shoot apical meristem (SAM)
Central zone (CZ) undifferentiated
cells Peripheral zone (PZ) formation of new
lateral organs Rib zone (RZ) formation of new
Layer 1 (L1) Generates epidermis Layer 2 (L2)
Layer 3 (L3) Generate internal tissue
L1 L2 anticlinal cell divisions L3 randomly
oriented cell divisions
14 Three types of leaf arrangements along the shoot
15 Sites of leaf formation on the stem are related
to auxin transport
16A transcription factor controls leaf development
as mutant phenotype - crinkled asymmetric
leaves - abnormally arranged leaf veins -
serrations in the leaf lamina - multiple
midveins on leaves
The gene AS ASYMMETRIC LEAVES encodes a
transcription factor expressed in leaf primordia
and developing cotyledons
17Chimeric plants
A mutation in a gene essential for chloroplast
development occurred in some of the stem cells of
the meristem ? cells derived from these cells are
white Cells from other stem cells are normal and
English ivy