Title: The Reflection Method
106 Feb 2008
Read For Fri Ch 4.0-4.1 (pp 149167)
The Reflection Method
- Recall from last time
- Refraction Method Recognize velocity change
within a - layer as a break in slope of refraction
that has the - same slope both forward reversed
- Offset of layer boundary Offsets (change in
intercept) of - refractions in opposite directions similar
slopes either side - Delay-time or plus-minus method for thickness
- velocity of an irregular layer interface
- where m- is slope of a plot of t1it2i vs
xi for SP1, 2 and - geophones i
2The Reflection Seismic Method
Consider a single layer over a half-space, with
layer thickness h1 and velocity V1
The travel-time for a reflected wave to a
geophone at a distance x from the shot is given
The Reflection Seismic Method
Recall from earlier in the course that
this travel-time for a reflection corresponds
to the equation of a hyperbola. If we re-write
intercept a asymptote m b/a
gas sand
this implies an intercept at 2h1 and
asymptotes with slope 1/V1
4Some quick observations Changing only depth of
the layer changes intercept of the hyperbola but
not the slope or intercept of the asymptotes,
so reflection from a shallower interface appears
more pointy
h1 15 m V1 1500 m/s
h1 45 m V1 1500 m/s
5Changing velocity of the layer changes intercept
of the hyperbola and the slope of the
asymptotes, so reflection in a layer with higher
velocity arrives sooner and appears more flat
h1 45 m V1 1500 m/s
h1 45 m V1 4000 m/s
6Normal Move-Out or NMO is the difference in
reflection travel times at distance x versus
relative to the intercept (x 0), i.e., NMO
emphasizes changes in curvature of the
hyperbola (NMO is greater for shallower depth of
reflection and for lower velocity of the layer).
It is particularly important to correct for
move-out if one wants to use the reflection
energy in imaging the subsurface
7Reflection from a second layer interface over
- Can derive using Snells law but easier to
consider that - For x 0, ? intercept of
hyperbola 2(h1h2) - For x ? ?, asymptotic to the refraction from
layer 2
8Equation for the hyperbola then is
After some algebra we have
And you might see where this could start to get
complicated for 3, 4, layers This is part of
why industry seismic reflection processing
historically did not go after full seismic
velocity analysis but instead took shortcuts to
imaging of structures
9A Dipping Reflector
Geometrically, this is equivalent to rotating the
axis of the reflector by the dip angle ?. This
rotates the hyperbola on the travel-time curve
by ? tan-1(-2h1sin?) and has equation
10Getting velocity structure The x2 t2
method If we have travel-times from a
reflection, can plot t2 vs x2 to get parameters
of thickness velocity from slope and intercept
of the resulting line fit