Title: Negotiating Buyer Concerns
Negotiating Buyer Concerns
2Learning Objectives
- Describe negotiations as part of a win-win
strategy - Describe common types of buyer concerns
- Outline general strategies for negotiating buyer
concerns - Discuss specific methods of negotiating buyer
concerns - Describe ways to deal effectively with buyers who
are trained in negotiating
3Six-Step Presentation Plan
- Approach (Chapter 10)
- Presentation (Chapter 11)
- Demonstration (Chapter 12)
- Negotiation
- Close
- Servicing the Sale
4Negotiation Defined
- Working to reach an agreement that is mutually
satisfactory to both buyer and seller - Negotiation is a process
- Ability to negotiate problems or objections is a
most effective way to create value
5Negotiation A Win-Win Strategy
- Personal selling is not a we versus they
process - If trust is strong, negotiation becomes
apartnership to workthrough, if not,
negotiation becomes combative - Seek to maintain long-term relationship
6Strategic PlanningLeads to Actions
7Strategic Planning
8Common Types of Buyer Concerns
- Customers may have concerns related to
- A need for the product
- Product itself
- Source of the product
- Pricing
- Timing
9Need for Product
- Conditioned response I dont need the product.
- Sincere need resistance a great challenge
- Not convinced of your products benefits
- Best way to overcomeprove your product is a good
10The Product Itself
- Product not well established
- Product will not be popular
- Associates did not like the product
- Present product/system is satisfactory
11Source of Product
- Ways to overcome include
- Identify how product solves problems
- Superior benefits of your product
- Illustrate profits from adding second line
- Place trial order to evaluate merits
- Recruit champions inside buyers firm
- Stay visible and connected to client
12Price ConcernsTrained Buyers
- Buyers trained in negotiation
- Budget limitation tactic
- Take it or leave it
- Split the difference
13Negotiation Training by Acclivus
See the Website
14Price ConcernsLow Price Strategy
- Transactional buyers seek low prices
- Empowered salespeople able to apply various
discounts - Downside, lower profitsand lower commissions
15Dealing with Price Concerns
- Do clarify price concerns with questions
- Do add value, stress service
- Do not make price focal point
- Do not apologize for the price
- Do point out price/quality relationship
- Do demonstrate difference between price and cost
- Do not make concessions too quickly
16Price Iceberg
- Price is only the tip of the iceberg remind
customer of value-added factors below tip
17Price Versus Cost Example
- Note how Canadas Bombardier positions its CRJ
against Airbus
18Concerns Related to Time
- Also known as the stall
- Usually customer does not perceive benefits of
buying nowor sees both positive and negative in
19Customer Objections
- Customer objections are often requests for more
information to justify buying decision
20Discussion Question
- Imagine you are selling ACT! CRM software to a
real estate company that uses a paper filing
system to keep track of customers and their
properties. How would you respond to each of
these buyer concerns? - A need for the product
- Product itself
- Source of the product
- Pricing
- Timing
21Negotiating Buyer Concerns
- Know value of your offering
- Prepare for negotiations
- Understand the problem
- Create alternative solutions
- Find points of agreement
- Know when to walk away
22Use a Negotiations Worksheet
- See the text for the complete figure
23Specific Negotiation Methods
- Direct denial
- Refute prospects opinion or belief
- Be firm, not offensive, think win-win
- Indirect denial
- Acknowledge prospects as partly right
- Feel-Felt-Found
- I understand how you feel
- Others have felt that way
- Until they used the product and found it
quite easy and reliable
24Specific Negotiation Methods
- Questions
- Convert problem into need-satisfaction question
- How would a 30 percent reduction in breakdowns
affect your companys profitability? - Superior benefit
- Acknowledge prospect has valid concern and focus
on superior benefit - Superior benefits should outweigh specific
customer concerns
25Specific Negotiation Methods
- Demonstration
- Discuss competitive advantages of your product
- Demonstrations overcome buyer skepticism
effectively - Trial offer
- Prospect tries product without purchase commitment
26Specific Negotiation Methods
- Third-party testimony
- Neutral third-party testimony adds credibility
- Almost never triggers client argument
- Postpone method
- Postpone answers to client concerns until later
in dialogue - Explain why you want to postpone
27Negotiation Tips
- See the following for suggestions
- trainingexpert.com
- work911.com
- mindtools.com
28Application Digital Electronics
- Go to a consumer electronics store and ask for
help with laptop/notebook PCs - Raise a series of concerns and note how
salesperson reacts - Price is too high
- Heard that brand XYZ is bad
- Maybe its not time to buy