Title: Geology 3120 Describing Folds
1Geology 3120 - Describing Folds
- Terms For Describing Folds
- Parasitic Folds
- Vergence
3Initial Layer Cake
4Direction of Closing
inflection point
inflection point - change in curvature (i.e.,
concave to convex)
5Convexity and Age of Beds
- Anticline - a fold that is convex in the
direction of youngest beds - Syncline - a fold that is convex in the
direction of oldest beds
6Determining the Fold Axial Surface
7Determining the Fold Axial Surface
8Profile Plane of a Fold
9Interlimb Angle
Five Categories Gentle Open Close Tight I
10Angularity of Interlimb Angle
11Cylindrical or Non-Cylindrical Folds
12Attitude of Axial Surface
13Fold Symmetry
14Fold Harmonics
15Parasitic Folds
Parasitic folds always verge towards
anticlines and away from synclines
16Parasitic Folds
Parasitic folds verge towards anticlines and away
from synclines
17Parasitic folds verge towards anticlines and away
from synclines
Most figures from http//earth.leeds.ac.uk/folds/