Title: The Convention on Biological Diversity CBD:
1The CBD and coral reefs
- The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
By Marjo Vierros Programme Officer, Marine and
Coastal Biological Diversity
2 CBD History and Operational Structure
- Established in Rio 1992, UNCED Earth Summit
- 187 Parties largest environment Convention
- Secretariat in Montreal
- CBD refined and regulated by Conference of the
Parties (COP) through decisions - COP informed by Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA)
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
3 CBD Objectives
- Three main objectives
- conservation
- sustainable use
- fair and equitable sharing of benefits from
utilization of genetic resources
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
4Main themes of CBD work
- Marine and coastal biological diversity
- Inland water Ecosystems
- Agricultural biological diversity
- Forest biological diversity
- Dry and sub-humid lands biodiversity
- Mountain biological diversity
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
5The Jakarta Mandate
- 2nd meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(November 1995) included a Ministerial segment - In their Statement, the ministers referred to the
new global consensus on marine and coastal
biological diversity as the Jakarta Mandate on
Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity - The Ministers Statement reaffirmed the global
consensus that there is a critical need for the
Conference of the Parties to address the
conservation and sustainable use of marine and
coastal biological diversity, and urge Parties to
initiate immediate action to implement the
decision adopted on this issue.
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
6The Jakarta Mandate
- Decision IV/5 - Conservation and Sustainable Use
of Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity (May
1998) - Based on work and recommendation of experts
- Enabled Programme of Work
- Six programme elements, including five thematic
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
7The Jakarta Mandate
- Programme of work in marine and coastal
biological diversity - Programme Element 1 - Integrated Marine and
Coastal Area Management (IMCAM) - Programme Element 2 - Marine and Coastal Living
Resources (including coral reefs decision V/3) - Programme Element 3 - Marine and Coastal
Protected Areas (MCPAs) - Programme Element 4 Mariculture
- Programme Element 5 Alien Species and Genotypes
- Programme Element 6 General (database on
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
8Marine and coastal living resources
- Operational objectives
- 2.1. Promoting ecosystem approaches to the
sustainable use of marine and coastal living
resources - 2.2. Making available to Parties information on
marine and coastal genetic resources, including
bioprospecting - 2.3 Coral reefs integrated (decision VI/3).
Concerns two areas - Coral bleaching
- Physical degradation and destruction of coral
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
9Coral reef work programme
- Decision VI/3 of COP
- Requests the Executive Secretary to continue
facilitating the implementation of the specific
work plan on coral bleaching...and the work plan
on physical degradation and destruction of coral
reefs... setting priorities as appropriate, with
special emphasis on small island developing
States and the least developed States, in
collaboration with the International Coral Reef
Initiative and its partners, the regional seas
programmes of the United Nations Environment
Programme, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission of the United Nations Educational.
Scientific and Cultural Organization, and other
relevant organizations
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
10Coral reef work programme
- SBSTTA also endorsed the following new
operational objective - "Operational objective 2.3. To gather and
assimilate information on, build capacity to
mitigate the effects of, and to promote policy
development and implementation strategies to
address (i) the biological and socio-economic
consequences of physical degradation and
destruction of tropical and cold-water coral-reef
ecosystems, including identification and
promotion of management practices, methodologies
and policies to reduce and mitigate impacts upon
marine and coastal biological diversity and to
restore and rehabilitate damaged coral reef and
in particular (ii) the impacts of coral bleaching
and related mortality on coral-reef ecosystems
and the human communities which depend upon
coral-reef services, including through financial
and technical assistance."
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
11Coral reef work programme
- I. Elements of a work plan on physical
degradation destruction of coral reefs - Activities
- (a) Assessments and indicators
- (b) Management.
- (c) Capacity-building
- (d) Financing
- (e) Education and public awareness
- Needs to be elaborated
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
12Coral reef work programme
- II. Specific work plan on coral bleaching
- Activities
- 1. Information gathering
- 2. Capacity-building
- 3. Policy development / implementation
- 4. Financing
- Plan elaborates on both ongoing initiatives and
specific tasks in addition to ongoing initiatives - Needs to be prioritized
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
13ICRI and CBD
- The CBD Secretariat looks forward to closer
collaboration with ICRI in the implementation of
the coral reef work programme. - In particular, ICRI might assist with the
following - 1) Elaboration of the work plan on physical
degradation and destruction of coral reefs - 2) Prioritization of the work plan on coral
bleaching - 3) Identification of additional on-going
activities in each of these categories
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
14SBSTTA 8 results
- SBSTTA 8 considered 3 marine and coastal related
issues - 1) Review of the implementation of the programme
of work and suggestions for its future
elaboration - 2) Marine and coastal protected areas
- 3) Mariculture
- 4) Genetic resources in the deep seabed in areas
outside of national jurisdiction (CBD UNCLOS
joint study)
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
- Some ICRI-relevant results
- On the programme of work
- Incorporation of more specific activities
relating to MCPAs, mariculture, and
bioprospecting - Integration of WSSD results
- Incorporation of enabling activities
- Incorporation of targets
- New expert group on implementation of IMCAM
- Goal Significant reduction in current rate of
marine and coastal biodiversity loss by 2010
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
- Some ICRI-relevant results
- Marine and coastal protected areas
- Global goal to establish and maintain of marine
and coastal protected areas that are effectively
managed, ecologically based and contribute to a
permanent representative global network of marine
and coastal protected areas (by 2012) - A range of MCPAs, including representative areas
where extractive uses are excluded and other
significant human pressures are removed or
minimized, are part of this network - The network should extend into the high seas
- A number of research and monitoring priorities,
including possible pilot projects were identified
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
- Some ICRI-relevant results
- Mariculture
- Identify and urge Parties to adopt methods and
techniques to avoid adverse effects of
mariculture on marine and coastal biodiversity - Identify research priorities
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
- Some ICRI-relevant results
- Genetic resources in the deep seabed (outside of
national jurisdiction) - Organization to compile and synthesize
information on the status and trends of deep sea
bed genetic resources and on methods to identify,
assess and monitor genetic resources of the deep
seabed in areas beyond the limits of national
jurisdiction, including identification of threats
to such genetic resources and the means for their
protection (Applies to deep water coral reefs)
- The CBD
- Marine and coastal
- biodiversity
- Coral reef work programme
20Thank you!
- The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
By Marjo Vierros Programme Officer, Marine and
Coastal Biological Diversity