Title: Linux Intermediate
1Linux Intermediate
- ITS Research Computing Center
- C. D. Poon, Ph.D.
- Email cdpoon_at_unc.edu
2Class Material
- Point web browser to http//its.unc.edu/Research
- Click on Training on the left column
- Click on ITS Research Computing Training
Presentations - Click on Linux Intermediate
- Linux Command Category
- Stdout/Stdin/Stderr, Pipe and Redirection,
Wildcards - Linux Command Review
- Break
- Tips and Tricks
- Conclusion
- Exercise
4Linux Command Category
5Linux Command Category
- Communication
- ssh scp
- File/Directory Management
- cat cd chmod cp ln ls mkdir more less mv pwd
dirs rm head tail wc - Comparisons
- diff
6Linux Command Category Contd
- Searching
- grep find locate
- Archiving
- compress uncompress gzip gunzip zcat tar
- Text Processing
- cut paste sort sed awk
7Linux Command Category Contd
- System Status
- chgrp chown date df du env who w uptime
- Miscellaneous
- bc cal clear man
8Stdout/Stdin/StderrPipe and RedirectionWildcards
9stdout stdin stderr
- Output from commands
- usually written to the screen
- referred to as standard output (stdout)
- Input for commands
- usually come from the keyboard (if no arguments
are given - referred to as standard input (stdin)
- Error messages from processes
- usually written to the screen
- referred to as standard error (stderr)
10Pipe and Redirection
- Pipe () stdout of one command to stdin of
another command - Output Redirection (gt) stdout of a command to a
file - Output Appending (gtgt) stdout of a command
appending to a file - Input Redirection (lt) stdin of a command from a
- Multiple filenames can be specified using special
pattern-matching characters. The rules are - ? matches any single character in that position
in the filename - matches zero or more characters in the
filename. - Characters enclosed in square brackets
match any name that has one of those characters
in that position - Note that the UNIX shell performs these
expansions before the command is executed.
12Linux Command Review
- Log on to remote machine
- ssh cdpoon_at_emerald.isis.unc.edu
- ssh emerald.isis.unc.edu l cdpoon
- ssh topsail
- ssh X cedar.isis.unc.edu
- ssh Y tarheelgrid.unc.edu
14ssh using SecureCRTin Windows
- Using ssh, login to Emerald, hostname
emerald.isis.unc.edu - To start ssh using SecureCRT in Windows, do the
following. - Start -gt Programs -gt Remote Services -gt SecureCRT
- Click the Quick Connect icon at the top.
- Hostname emerald.isis.unc.edu
- Login with your ONYEN and password
- Copy files and directories to and from remote
computers - scp file1 topsail.isis.unc.edu/ifs1/home/cdpoon/
. - scp zircon.its.unc.edu/home/cdpoon/file2 .
- scp r dir1 emerald.isis.unc.edu/netscr/cdpoon/.
- scp r topsail.isis.unc.edu/ifs1/scr/cdpoon/dir2
dir3 -
- scp emerald/netscr/cdpoon/f topsail/ifs1/scr/cd
- Read one or more files and print the on stdout
- cat file1
- cat file1 file2 file3 gt file_all
- cat file4 gtgt file_all
- Append file4 to file_all
- cat gt file5
- Create file at stdin, end with EOF (cntl-d
normally, use stty a to find out) - cat gt file6 ltlt STOP
- Create file at stdin, end with STOP
- Change directory, build-in shell command
- cd /afs/isis/home/c/d/cdpoon
- cd ../../ Change directory to 2 levels up
- cd .. Change directory to 1 level up
- cd Change directory to Home
- cd Change directory to Home
- cd Change to previous directory
- Change the access mode of one or more files
- chmod ux file1
- chmod go-w file2
- chmod urwx, grx, ox file3
- chmod 751 file3 Same as above, 7rwx, 5rx,
1x -
- chmod r file4
- chmod 444 file4 Same as above, 4r, 2w, 1x
- Copy a file/dir to another file/dir
- cp file1 file2 Copy to the same directory and
change filename - cp file1 ../dir/file2 Copy to different
directory and change filename - cp file1 ../dir/. Keep the same filename
- cp r dir1 dir2 Copy directory recursively
- cp r dir1 new_dir/dir2
- Copy directory recursively to another
directory -
- cp p file3 file4 Preserve the modification time
and permission modes
- Create links for file/dir and allow them to be
accessed by different names - ln file1 file2 Hard link for file
- ln dir1 dir2 Hard link not allowed for
directory - ln s dir1 dir2 Soft link for directory, dir2
-gt dir1 - ln s file3 file4 Soft link, file4 -gt file3
- ln s dir/file5 file6 Soft link, file6 -gt
- List all files and directories in the current
directory - ls
- ls a List files/directories starting with .
too - ls l Long listing
- ls lh List file sizes in human readable format
- ls F Flag filenames by appending / to
directories, to executables files, - and _at_ to symbolic links
- Create one of more directories
- mkdir dir1
- mkdir p dir1/dir2/dir3
- Create intervening parent directories if they
dont exist - Same as mkdir dir1 cd dir1 mkdir dir2 cd
dir2 mkdir dir3 cd ../../
- Display files on a terminal, one screen at a time
- more file1 Hit space bar for another page, q to
quit - more d file2 Display the prompt Press space to
continue, q to quit - more c file3 Page through the file by clearing
each window instead of - scrolling
- Works like more but allows backward and forward
movement - less file1 Hit space bar for another page, q to
quit - Hit b to scroll backward one window
- Hit /pattern to highlight pattern in the
text - Hit Return to scroll one line at a time
- Move files and directories within the same
machine and/or rename them - mv file1 dir1/file1 Move file1 to dir1, Same as
mv file1 dir1/ - mv file3 file4 Rename file3 to file4
- mv dir1 dir2 Rename directory dir1 to dir2
- mv dir3 dir4/dir5/dir6
- Rename directory dir3 to dir6 and move to
dir4/dir5 directory
26pwd dirs
- Print the full pathname of the current directory
- pwd
- dirs C shell built-in command, works like pwd
- dirs l Print working directory in long listing
- Delete one or more files and directories
- Delete empty directory with rmdir
- rm file1
- rm file Remove all files with filename
starting as file - rm i file Prompt for y (remove the file) or n
(do not remove the file) - rm r dir1 Delete directory dir1 and its
28head tail
- Print first/last few lines of one or more files
- head file1 Print the first 10 lines of file
file1 - head n100 file2 Print the first 100 lines of
file file2 - tail file Print the last 10 lines of files
with filename starting as file - tail f file3 Print the last 10 lines of file
file3 and follow file as it grows
- Print a character, word, and line count for files
- wc c file1 Print character count for file
file1 - wc l file2 Print line count for file file2
- wc w file3 Print word count for file file3
- Report lines that differ between file1 and file2,
with file1 text flagged by lt and file2 by gt - diff file1 file2 Show difference between file1
and file2 -
- Search for lines that match a regular expression
- grep abc file1
- Print line(s) in file file1 with abc
- grep i abc file2
- Print line(s) in file file2 with abc
ignoring uppercase and lowercase distinctions
- Find particular groups of files
- find . name temp Find file named temp in
current directory - find /etc name rc Find file(s) in /etc
directory with name starting with rc - find /usr/share/man type d name man
- Find directories in /usr/share/man with name
starting with man - See Handout
- Find files with matching pattern in database
prepared by updatedb, Database needed to be
updated daily - locate which Find files named with pattern
which in the OS - locate c which Count number of files named
with pattern which in the OS - locate i which Find files named with pattern
which in the OS ignoring case
distinctions - See Handout
34compress uncompress
- Reduce or expand the size of one or more files
using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding - Use uncompress to expand data
- compress file1 Reduce the size of file1 and
create new file named file1.Z - compress f file2 Force to reduce the size of
file2 and create new file named file2.Z - uncompress file3.Z Expand file3.Z and restore
35gzip gunzip
- Reduce or expand the size of one or more files
using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77) - Use gunzip to expand data
- gzip file1 Reduce the size of file1 and create
new file named file1.gz - gzip f file2 Force to reduce the size of file2
and create new file named file2.gz - gunzip file3.gz Expand file3.gz and restore
- Expand the size of one or more files created by
compress or gunzip - List file contents to stdout without deleting the
.Z or .gz file - zcat file1.Z Expand file1.Z and list the content
of file1 in stdout - zcat file2.gz Expand file2.gz and list the
content of file2 in stdout -
- Archive files and directories
- Create a single file with extension .tar
- tar cvf file123.tar file1 file2
file3 Create archive file named file123.tar
in verbose mode with contents, file1, file2,
and file3 - tar xvf file123.tar Expand file123.tar
in verbose mode and generate the original
files and directories back -
- Remove sections from each line of files
- cut d -f1,5 /etc/passwd Use field
delimiter to locate fields 1 and 5 from file
/etc/passwd to extract usernames and real
names - cut c4 file1 Take character 4 out from
each line of file1 and display in stdout - See Handout
- Merge lines of files
- cat file1
- 1
- 2
- cat file2
- a
- b
- c
paste file1 file2 1 a 2 b
c paste s file1 file2 1 2 a
b c
- Sort lines of text files
- sort fd file1
- Alphabetize lines (-d) in file1 and ignore
lower and upper cases (-f) - sort t -k3 -n /etc/passwd Take column 3 of
file /etc/passwd separated by and sort in
arithmetic order - See Handout
- Edit one or more files without user interaction
using stream editor - sed s/xx/yy/g file1
- Substitude all occurrences of xx in file1
with yy and display on stdout - sed /abc/d file1 Delete all lines containing
abc in file1 - sed /BEGIN/,/END/s/abc/123/g file1
- Substitute XYZ on lines between BEGIN and
END with xyz in file1 - See Handout
- Process files by pattern-matching
- awk F print 1 /etc/passwd
- Extract the 1st field separated by in
/etc/passwd and print to stdout - awk /abcde/ file1
- Print all lines containing abcde in file1
- awk /xyz/i ENDprint i file2
- Find pattern xyz in file2 and count the
number -
- awk length lt 1 file3
- Display lines in file3 with only 1 or no
character - See Handout
- Change the group ownership of one or more files
or directories - chgrp employee file1
- Change group ownership to employee for file
file1 - chgrp R student dir1
- Change group ownership to student for
directory dir1 including - subdirectories recursively
- Change the ownership of one or more files or
directories - chown employee file1
- Change ownership to employee for file file1
- chown R student dir1
- Change ownership to student for directory
dir1 including - subdirectories recursively
- Print the current date and time in certain format
- Set the current date and time
- date
- Print the current date and time
- date D
- Print the current date and time in mm/dd/yy
format - date 1201160108
- Set the current date and time to Dec 01 401pm
2008 - date d fri
- Show the date of the coming Friday
- Report the number of used and free disk block on
all mounted file systems - df
- Print used and free disk block on all mounted
file system - df -k
- Print used and free disk block in kilobyte
- Print disk usage of directories and its
subdirectories - du dir1 Print disk usage in kilobyte of
directory dir1 - du -block-size1M dir2
- Print disk usage in megabyte of directory
dir2 -
- Display the current environment variables or set
new values - env Display all of the current environment
variables -
- Display information about the current status of
the system - who Display the names of users currently logged
in to the system - who b Report information about the last reboot
- who am I Print the username of the invoking user
- Print summaries of system usage, currently
logged-in users, and what they are doing - w Print summaries of system usage, currently
logged-in users - w s Display in short form
- Print the current time, amount of time logged in,
and the system load averages - uptime Print a one line display of the current
time, how long the system has been running,
how many users are currently logged on, and
the system load averages for the past 1, 5, 15
minutes -
- Interactively perform arbitrary-precision
arithmetic or convert numbers from one base to
another, type quit to exit - bc Invoke bc
- 12 Evaluate an addition
- 56/7 Evaluate a multiplication and division
- ibase8 Change to octal input
- 20 Evaluate this octal number
- 16 Output decimal value
- ibase10 Change back to decimal input
- Print calendar of a month or all months in a year
- cal Print calendar of the current month
- cal 2 2009 Print calendar of February 2009
- cal 2009 Print calendar of all months in 2009
- cal -3 Display previous/current/next months
- Clear the terminal display and have the prompt
locate at the top of the terminal window - clear Clean up the current terminal display
- Display information from the online reference
manuals - man man Display the manual for the command
man - man k link compile Display commands related to
linking and compiling using a keyword search -
57Tips and Tricks
58 Tips and Tricks 1
- Show files changed on a certain date in all
directories - ls l grep Sep 26
- Show long listing of file(s) modified on Sep
26 - ls lt grep Dec 18 awk print 9
- Show only the filename(s) of file(s) modifed
on Dec 18
59 Tips and Tricks 2
- Sort files and directories from smallest to
biggest or the other way around - du k s sort n
- Sort files and directories from smallest to
biggest - du ks sort nr
- Sort files and directories from biggest to
60 Tips and Tricks 3
- Change timestamp of a file
- touch file1
- If file file1 does not exist, create it, if
it does, change the timestamp of it - touch t 200902111200 file2
- Change the time stamp of file file2 to
2/11/2009 1200
61 Tips and Tricks 4
- Find out what is using memory
- ps ely awk print 8,13 sort k1 nr
62 Tips and Tricks 5
- Remove the content of a file without eliminating
it - cat /dev/null gt file1
63 Tips and Tricks 6
- Backup selective files in a directory
- ls a gt backup.filelist
- Create a file list
- vi backup.filelist
- Adjust file backup.filelist to leave only
filenames of the files to be backup - tar cvf archive.tar cat backup.filelist
- Create tar archive archive.tar, use backtics
in the cat command
64 Tips and Tricks 7
- Get screen shots
- xwd out screen_shot.wd
- Invoke X utility xwd, click on a window to
save the image as screen_shot.wd - display screen_shot.wd
- Use ImageMagick command display to view the
image screen_shot.wd - Right click on the mouse to bring up menu,
select Save to save the image to other
formats, such as jpg.
65 Tips and Tricks 8
- Sleep for 5 minutes, then pop up a message Wake
Up -
- (sleep 300 xmessage near Wake Up)
66 Tips and Tricks 9
- Count number of lines in a file
- cat /etc/passwd gt temp cat temp wc l rm
temp -
- wc l /etc/passwd
67 Tips and Tricks 10
- Create gzipped tar archive for some files in a
directory - find . name .txt tar c T - gzip gt
a.tar.gz - find . name .txt tar cz T - -f a.tar.gz
68 Tips and Tricks 11
- Find name and version of Linux distribution,
obtain kernel level - uname -a
- head n1 /etc/issue
69 Tips and Tricks 12
- Show system last reboot
- last reboot head n1
70 Tips and Tricks 13
- Combine multiple text files into a single file
- cat file1 file2 file3 gt file123
- cat file1 file2 file3 gtgt old_file
- cat find . name .out gt file.all.out
71 Tips and Tricks 14
- Create man page in pdf format
- man t man ps2pdf - gt man.pdf
- acroread man.pdf
72 Tips and Tricks 15
- Remove empty line(s) from a text file
- awk NFgt0 lt file.txt
- Print out the line(s) if the number of fields
(NF) in a line in file - file.txt is greater than zero
- awk NFgt0 lt file.txt gt new_file.txt
- Write out the line(s) to file new_file.txt if
the number of fields (NF) - in a line in file file.txt is greater than
74 Conclusion
- Many ways to do a certain thing
- Unlimited possibilities to combine commands with
, gt, lt, and gtgt - Even more powerful to put commands in shell
script - Slightly different commands in different Linux
distributions - Emphasized in System V, different in BSD
76 Exercise
- cd Change to home directory
- cat /etc/passwd gt temp Save the file /etc/passwd
into a new file called temp - more temp wc l Find out the number of lines
in file temp - awk /home/ temp Show line(s) with the word
home - awk /nologin/i ENDprint i temp
- Count number of word nologin in file
temp - sed s/no/yes/g temp gt temp1 Replace all no with
yes in temp and save in temp1 - awk /nologin/i ENDprint i temp1
- Count number of work nologin in file
77 Exercise Contd
awk /yeslogin/i ENDprint i
temp1 Count number of work yeslogin in
file temp1 grep i daemon temp Display
line(s) with word daemon regardless of
case more temp grep i daemon Display line(s)
with word daemon regardless of case sort t
-k3 n temp Sort numerically over the 3rd column
in file temp separated by rm i
temp Delete the file(s) with filename starting
with temp interactively