Title: Vision, innovation
1Vision, innovation What for?Better definition
and orientation
- We need to define a vision of the desired future,
to avoid erratic movements and irresponsible
2Planning now for the future
Where do we want to go? Vision
- Planning is not an event. It is the continuous
process of strengthening what works and
abandoning what does not Peter
3Organisational learning
Where do we want to go? To improve
To define aims
To analyse and make a diagnosis
To plan a project
To implement the project
To evaluate
- The role of institutional actors ( Whos who?)
- -Identifying agents and responsibilities for
changing concepts - More involvement needed (Why do it?)
- -Values and Beliefs
- More coherency needed (Who are we?)
- -Identity and Mission
- Better definition and orientation (Where to?)
- - Vision and innovation
- Better adaptation to context (What for?)
- -Aims and Goals
- Too much territory dispersion (How to manage?)
- -Strategic Plan, SWOT, Management Design
- Resources (tools or strategies?)
- -Training, Leadership, Participation, Assessment
5Identifying clear aims What for?Better
adaptation to context
- Sometimes, work is not integrated enough in the
main curriculum of schools
6Learning evolving concepts
What for? Aims
To know how to be with oneself and with others
- Content
- Information science
- Literacy Basic skills
- Schools for everybody
- Inclusive and sustainable policies
- Performance
- Learning styles strategies
- Multiple intelligence
- Can do skills
- Action-research and innovation
- Attitude
- Conflict management
- Teamnet Networking
- Communication Production
- Complexity Globalization
- Reflective practice
Adapted from Jacques Delors 1999
7Educational Aim to educate for a better world
for everybody
What for? Goals
- Training citizens
- culture flexibility respect
- policy involvement equity
- society leadership action
- Training professionals
- Competencies and Knowledge
- Attitudes and wisdom
- Changing and innovating
- Creativity and Sustainability
What's the future we want?
Let's define our vision!
- The role of institutional actors ( Whos who?)
- -Identifying agents and responsibilities for
changing concepts - More involvement needed (Why do it?)
- -Values and Beliefs
- More coherency needed (Who are we?)
- -Identity and Mission
- Better definition and orientation (Where to?)
- - Vision and innovation
- Better adaptation to context (What for?)
- -Aims and Goals
- Too much territory dispersion (How to manage?)
- -Strategic Plan, SWOT, Management Design
- Resources (tools or strategies?)
- -Training, Leadership, Participation, Assessment
9Planning What for?Too much territory
- We need to analyse opportunities and threats to
empower strengths and to counter weakness, if we
want to progress in the most efficient way.
10How to manage? Strategic Planning
Complete sequence
Font Adapted from Ignasi Garcia
11How to manage SWOT
12Organizational Strategic Plan Programs,
projects and activities
How to manage Management Design