Title: Zoom In: Observing and Describing
1Zoom In Observing and Describing
Understanding Goal Using descriptive words helps
us understand and communicate what we see and
experience. Investigative Question How do
descriptive words help us understand and
2What do you see?Describe it!
3What else do you see?Describe the weather and
time of day!
4Describe what they are doing now?What will they
do next?
5Describe the objects!How old are they?Are
they hard or soft?
6What are they looking at?Describe what else you
see?Make a hypothesis about what it might be.
7Why and where was this picture taken?
8Unknown. (ca.1925). Greece - Athens - The
Parthenon - near view. Library of Congress
Prints Photographs,Carpenter (Frank and
Frances) Collection
9Explore these other images to find out more about
ancient Greece.
unknown. (1950-1960). Delphi in Greece. The
theater Temple of Apollo beyond on left.
Library of Congress Prints Photographs,?Matson
(G. Eric and Edith) Negatives
Constantine, D. (1850-1880). Temple of Athene
Nike. Venus Victrix--Wingless Victory / D.
Constantine ? Athenes. Library of Congress
Prints Photographs