Title: OPTRO 2005
1OPTRO 2005
European Network of Excellence on Photonic
Integrated Components and Circuits
Roel BaetsGhent University - IMEC
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
- Rationale and Objectives of ePIXnet
- History, Structure and Partners
- Activities of ePIXnet
- An example
- Dynamic evolution
4European Network of Excellence on Photonic
Integrated Components and Circuits
Integration of research on
- Technologies for photonic VLSI
- Photonic Signal Processing
- Integrated Light Sources
- Advanced Materials
- Nanophotonics
- 2004-2008
- 32 partners
- 13 affiliate partners
- 300 researchers
- budget 6 M
- Joint Research Activities
- Joint Education Programs
- Exchange of Researchers
- Dissemination of Knowledge
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
6Trends in photonics
- Conventional photonics discrete components
- Microphotonics make use of chips made by
wafer-scale technologies withintegration of
multiple functionalities - Nanophotonics exploit new physics associated
with sub-micron structures
- Integration allows to
- Exploit the economics of wafer scale integration
- Implement complex functions (systems-on-a-chip)
in a compact and cost-effective way - Higher performance
- Align photonic components automatically by
lithography !!! - MORE INTEGRATION
- Better performance and new functionalities
through - Photonics crystals
- Quantum dots
- High index contrast nanostructures
- Metamaterials
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
- Rationale and Objectives of ePIXnet
10Why a network of excellence?
- Photonic integration depends on technologies with
high investment and exploitation costs. - An integrated research model will therefore
become the only viable model.
Cleanroom 10M
20 research groups400M 20M/year
Equipment 10M
Partial collaboration can easily decrease the
expenses with 50
Exploitation 1M/year
11Why a network of excellence?
- Strengthening of key facilities for joint usage
- Integrate Research
- Establish durable cooperation between research
actors (universities, institutes, industry) - so as to make effective use of combination of
competences - and allow research groups to focus on their
core competences - Integrate Education Programs
- Establish integration of educational programs
- Build a pool of know-how, infrastructure and
training capacity
Integration of Facilities
Industrial facilities
Integrated facilities
performance, complexity
Individual research labs
Proof or principle
- Integration of Research on
- Technologies for Photonic Integration
- Photonic Signal Processing
- Integrated Light Sources
- Advanced Materials
- Nanophotonics
- For application in
- Telecommunication and data communication
- IT peripherals
- Sensors
- Life sciences
14Durable Integration
- Durable integration structural interdependency
- Research groups like to be independent
- The cost structure of technological research in
micro- and nanophotonics will make cooperation
mandatory - People will accept durable integration if they
see more pros than cons - Recognition of competence
- Ability to do challenging research
- Respect for intellectual property
- More secure durable funding
- Overall long term goal stronger scientific and
economic position of Europe
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
- Rationale and Objectives of ePIXnet
- History, Structure and Partners
- More than one year of proposal preparation
- Internal call among 50 partners for activity
proposals - 30 proposals submitted, 14 selected (by steering
committee) - Partners involved in the selected activities
became partners of the network
32 Partners ( 43 Research Groups)
5 Industrial Partners
17 Academic
8 Research Institutes
13 Affiliate Partners
7 Academic
6 Industrial
300 people directly involved
190 Researchers
110 Doctoral students
Most of Europes excellence in this field is on
18(No Transcript)
19Structure of ePIXnet
Decisions Steering Committee General Assembly
( all partners)
New Members States Panel
Contractual Integration Board
Management Network Coordinators (Roel Baets
Meint Smit) Network Office (Lieven Van Holme)
Gender Panel
Education and Training Board
Industrial Affiliation Board
Research Integration Board
Activities Facility Access
Activities Joint Research
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
- Rationale and Objectives of ePIXnet
- History, Structure and Partners
- Activities of ePIXnet
21Activities of ePIXnet (1)
- Facility Access
- Several research groups use a unique facility of
very high cost/complexity - Leading to better usage of facility and cost
sharing - 5 concrete activities
- Joint Research
- Distributed set of facilities and know-how,
which, together, provide a unique platform for
joint research - Leading to advanced research based on the
complementary core skills of several groups - 9 concrete activities
22Network Activities
Facility Access Activity
- FAA1 COBRA Access to monolithic integration
of InP-active and passive devices - FAA2 CNRS-ECLFrom 2 to 2.5 Dimensional
Microphotonics based on Heterogeneous Integration
Technology and 2 Dimensional Photonic Crystal
membranes - FAA3 IMECNanophotonic circuits in SOI based
on CMOS-compatible process technology - FAA4 EPFLSingle-Photon emitters
characterisation facility - FAA5 RWTH-AachenAccess to characterisation
facilities for ultrafast photonic switches
23Network Activities
Joint Research Activities
- JRA1 STAndrewsLithography limits for
Nanophotonic devices - JRA2 EPFL-IPEQPhotonic crystals Loss
Analysis, Tuning and Technology - JRA3 COBRAQuantum dot arrays with engineered
linear and nonlinear optical properties - JRA4 INSA-RennesHigh speed transmission based
on chirpless quantum dot laser Source - JRA5 ETHZ-ULPMulti-GHz semiconductor light
sources - JRA6 ETHZ-ULPPicosecond pulse sources for
ultra-high bit-rate communication - JRA7 TUBExternal Cavity Lasers Built by
Hybrid Integration in MicroMachined Packages - JRA8 COMExploration of device concepts for
all-optical switching at high speeds - JRA9 FVB-PDIPhotonic Switches and Modulators
based on Surface Acoustic Waves
24Activities of ePIXnet (2)
- Exchange of Researchers Staff
- Researchers get the opportunity to visit other
groups and work in other labs - Share experts for courses guiding PhD students
- Dissemination of knowledge
- Tutorial lectures at conferences and schools
- Towards a Joint Study Program In the field of
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
- Rationale and Objectives of ePIXnet
- History, Structure and Partners
- Activities of ePIXnet
- An example
26Facility Access Activity 3Nanophotonic circuits
in SOI based on CMOS-compatible process
27Nanophotonic waveguides
- Photonic Crystal waveguides
- in-plane high contrastphotonic crystal defect
- out-of-plane TIR
- Photonic Wires
- in-plane high contrast TIR
- out-of-plane TIR(either low or high contrast)
- Both cases
- feature size a few 100 nm
- required accuracy of features lt10 nm
- NANOPHOTONIC waveguides
28Fabrication in Silicon-on-Insulator
- Facilities of IMEC (Leuven)
- Research Center for Microelectronics
- Research on advanced technologies for the
fabrication of CMOS chips Deep-UV lithography
at 248nm and 193nm - Use these technologies to fabricate nanophotonic
circuits in SOI
- IMEC Ghent University (Belgium)
- U. Twente - MESA (The Netherlands)
- U. St. Andrews (UK)
- KTH (Sweden)
- COM DTU (Denmark)
- U.P.Valencia (Spain)
- RWTH Aachen (Germany)
- CNRS-IOTA (France)
- Glasgow University (UK)
30Mask design collaboration
- How?
- Designs from several partners combined on one
mask - Group designs according to optimal process
parameters - Each partner gets (half) wafer
Layout 2
- ePIXnet fact sheet
- Trends in Photonics
- Rationale and Objectives of ePIXnet
- History, Structure and Partners
- Activities of ePIXnet
- An example
- Dynamic evolution
32Dynamic evolution of the NoE
- New partners and affiliate partners can be added
to existing activities during the first two years - In month 18 a call for new activities for Year 3
and 4 will be launched which may include new
partners - Objective make sure that ePIXnet is
representative for the European research
community in photonic integrated components
33To sum up
- ePIXnet is a major inititiave for European
research in photonic integration technology - The budget is modest but the impact can be large
- The research community will learn to recognize
the merits of interdependence - After 4 years the network should survive in a
durable way