Title: LRE for 3, 4,
1LRE for 3, 4, 5 Year-Old Children in Connecticut
- Maria Synodi, 619 Coordinator
- Connecticut State Department of Education
- Seventh National Early Childhood Inclusion
Institute - July 28th to August 2nd, 2007
2State Performance Plan(SPP)Monitoring Priority
FAPE in the LRE
- Indicator 6 Percent of preschool children with
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) who
receive special education and related services in
settings with typically developing peers - (e.g., early childhood settings, home, and
part-time early childhood/part-time early
childhood special education settings). - (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A))
3Lay of the Land
- Small state
- Approximately 8,000 eligible children
- 169 towns, 160 school districts
- Public schools hub for services
- Integrated early childhood programs
- Majority eligible children in Kindergarten
4SPP Baseline Data 2004-05
Early Childhood Environments Percent
Early Childhood 22.1
Integrated (Reverse Mainstream) 21.7
Itinerant Services 17.2
Part-Time EC, Part-Time ECSE 18.8
Home 0.1
Early Childhood Special Education 19.3
Separate School 0.0
Residential Facility 0.7
5SPP Baseline Targets
- Measurable and Rigorous Targets
- Baseline 61.0
- 2005(2005-2006)64 2006(2006-2007)67
2007(2007-2008)70 2008(2008-2009)74
2009(2009-2010)77 2010(2010-2011)77
6SPP Activities 2005 to Present
- Training and Technical Assistance
- General Supervision
- Focused Monitoring
- Incentives, Supports
- Parent Training
- Pre-Service, Higher Education
- Policies, Procedures
- Universal Preschool Efforts
- Facility, Bonding
7SPP Activities Training TA
- Skills, Knowledge Competencies
- State Education Resource Center (SERC)
- Connecticut Charts A Course Inclusive Child
Care Training - Blended EC, ECSE activities
- Focus on access to the general education
curriculum - Special initiatives children with ASD,
Challenging Behavior, RtI - CSPD
- Using Nation TA Centers, Resources
Evidence-Based Practices
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10SPP Activities Higher Education
- Quality Personnel
- Working with 2- and 4-year higher education
institutions - Working towards articulated agreement that
includes content in inclusive education - Reviewing, revising certification for EC, ECSE
personnel - CSPD
11SPP Activities Incentives
- Quality General Ed Environment
- NAEYC Accreditation Project
- Opportunities for technical assistance aligned
with improvement plans - Waiving fees to attend professional development
- Special projects On-site coaching model
- Using Nation TA Centers Evidence-Based
Practices, National Resources
12SPP Activities Parent Training
- Informed Families
- Working with PTI on 3-part training series
- Focus on families transitioning from Birth-3 and
those whose children would be entering
kindergarten - Waiving parent fees at training opportunities
offered - Embedded in P.J. Settlement
13SPP Activities Policies, Procedures
- Foundation State Practices
- Reviewing state policies, procedures
- Addressing health, immunizations requirements 1
state form for universe of programs and public
schools - Revising data training, directions
- Revising IEP form and manual
14SPP Activities General Supervision
- Quality of IEP Program
- Monitoring school districts to ensure that
placement decisions are made on an individual
basis in conformity with 34 CFR sections 300.550
through 300.556 and that decisions regarding
educational placements are not based upon any
numerical target established by the state - File reviews, checklists, observing childrens
programs - Complaints, P.J. Settlement Agreement (LRE)
15SPP Activities Focused Monitoring
- State Focused Monitoring Priority
- Used 3-5 6-21 data to identify school districts
- School districts were identified based upon their
data data based TWNDP - Posting state data maps
- Posting special education profiles data
- Some districts received on-site intensive review,
submission of improvement plan
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19SPP Activities Universal Pre-K
- All For 1 and 1 For All
- Ensuring that the states work for universal
preschool includes children with disabilities - PCF and PAF training, coaching
- Recognition and Response Initiative
- Quality Standards Including Children with
20The Preschool Years
- Creating a caring community of learners
- Teaching to enhance development and learning
- Constructing appropriate curriculum
- Assessing childrens learning and development
- Establishing relationships with families and
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22Departments OutcomesPreschool Education for All
- Outcomes
- more children will participate in high-quality,
state-funded preschool programs, and there will
be greater access to high-quality preschool
programs statewide - more teachers will have specialized credentials
in early childhood education and the skills and
knowledge to provide a high-quality preschool
education - all preschool programs will include a rigorous
curriculum and an assessment system aligned to
Connecticuts Preschool Curriculum Framework and
Preschool Assessment Framework
23SPP Activities Facilities
- Space, Environments
- Facility and bonding dollars from State Education
- Connecticut Health and Education Financing
Authority (CHEFA) loans, bonding for EC
programs - Quality space, use of State SR dollars
- Licensing, ECERS, development rating scale
24And Now? The APR
- Moved to new data categories for educational
environments for children 3-5 - Reset baseline and targets
- Reviewed and maintained current activities
- Getting ready for February 2008
25 Questions?
Thank You