Title: Lecture 28 ECE743
1Lecture 28 - ECE743
3-Phase Induction Machines Reference Frame Theory
Part III
Professor Ali Keyhani
2Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- For two-pole, 3-phase symmetrical induction,
3Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
Fig.1 Axis of 2-pole, 3-phase
symmetrical induction.
4Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- Using the above transformation equations, we can
transform the voltage equations to an arbitrary
reference frame rotating at speed of ?. - Flux linkage equations in abc reference frame can
be transformed to qd axes using Ks and Kr
transformation matrices.
5Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
6Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- Voltage equations written in expanded form can be
expressed as
7Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- Flux linkage equations are
- Since machine and power system parameters are
nearly always given in ohms or percent or per
unit of a base impedance, it is convenient to
express the voltage and flux linkage equations in
terms of reactances rather than inductances.
8Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
9Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- And flux linkages become flux linkages per second
with the units of volts. - Fig. 2 presents the arbitrary reference frame
equivalent circuits for a 3-phase symmetrical
induction machine.
10Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
Fig. 2. A 2-pole 3-phase symmetrical
induction machine.
11Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
Fig. 2. A 2-pole 3-phase symmetrical
induction machine.
12Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuits of a
3-phase, symmetrical induction machine with
rotating q-d axis at speed of ?.
13Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuits of a
3-phase, symmetrical induction machine with
rotating q-d axis at speed of ?.
14Voltage Equations in Arbitrary Reference Frame
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuits of a
3-phase, symmetrical induction machine with
rotating q-d axis at speed of ?.
15Torque Equation in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- Electromagnetic torque in terms of arbitrary
reference frame variables may be obtained by
substituting the equations of transformation in - After some work, we will have the following
16Torque Equation in Arbitrary Reference Frame
- Where, Te is positive for motor action. Other
expressions for the electromagnetic torque of an
induction machine are