Title: RFID Antenna Design 2006
1RFID Antenna Design(2006)
- Dr. Xiuping Li
- Associate Professor
- Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications - Email xpli_at_bupt.edu.cn
- Tel010-62282900
- RFID Antenna Overview
- Academic publication
- Tag antenna structure
- Environmental effects on RFID tag antenna
- Patents
- RFID Antenna Design in BUPT
- UHFMW band tag antenna Design
- ANN modeling in antenna design
- Research on environmental effects
- Multi-band reader antenna
- Conclusion
3RFID Antenna Overview
- RFID Tag Antenna
- RFID Reader Antenna
- Work frequency
- Antenna Types
- Wire Antennas
- Aperture Antennas
- Microstrip Antennas
- Array Antennas
5RFID system operation
6RFID Tag Antenna Design Process
Select the application and define the requirement
Determine the materials for antenna construction
Determine RF impedance of packaged ASIC
Identify the type of antenna and its parameters
Perform parametric study and optimization
Build and measure prototypes
7Requirement for RFID Tag Antenna
- Small enough
- Direction
- Must provide maximum possible signal to ASIC
- Polarization
- Be robust
- Be very cheap
- Copper, aluminum, and silver ink
- flexible polyester and rigid PCB substrates like
8Major Consideration
- The type of antenna
- Its impedance
- RF performance when applied to the object
- RF performance when the object has other
structures around it - P.Foster and R.Burberry, Antenna problems in
RFID systems IEEE colloquium on RFID Technology,
pp.3/1-3/5, 25 Oct 1999.
9RFID Tag Antenna Design(1)
- Type improvement
- Gain-optimized self-resonant meander line
antennas for RFID applications - Genetic algorithms
- Best tradeoff between wire length minimization
and best current utilization. - Self-resonant simplify the matching network and
obtain low-cost tags.
10RFID Tag Antenna Design(2)
- CPW-fed folded-slot antenna for 5.8 GHz RFID tags
11RFID Tag Antenna Design(3)
- Planar inverted-F antenna for radio frequency
12RFID Tag Antenna Design(4)
13Environmental Effects
- Daniel M.Dobkin and Steven M.Weigand,
Environmental Effects on RFID Tag Antennas,
2005 IEEE APS,pp.135-138. - Study on the influence of curving of tag antenna
on performance of RFID
14RFID Antenna Patents
- Annual increasing amount is 183.6 from 2001-2005,
- 11.4 from 1991 to 1995, 39.4 from 1996 to 2000
- More than 50 - US patents every year
- The application amount from Jan 2006 to Aug
2006is around 88.3 of that in 2005
15Developing Trends
16Region Distribution
17Patents for RFID Tag Antenna
- Increase 300 from 2000 to 2005
- Conductive transponder loop
- Vehicle transponder tracking
18Developing Trends
19Region Distribution
RFID patents report Ministry of information
industry software and integrated circuit
promotion center (CSIP)
20RFID Antenna Design in BUPT
21- UHFMW band Antenna Design
- Research on Environmental Effects
- ANN modeling in Antenna design
22RFID Antenna Design
Xiuping Li, Yu Liu, Haiying Cao, Minimized
Printed Dipole Antenna Design Based on RFID
Application, Journal of Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, 2006.10, Vol.29,
No.5, 75-78.
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25Water in Glass bottle
26Water in Plastic bottle
27Metal Can
Xiuping Li, Yu Liu,Printed Dipole Antenna
Measurement Effect by Environment for RFID
Application , Accepted by eletronics devices.
28Inverted-F antenna design
29UHF Antenna Design
30Artificial Neural Network
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33 (Ld 21.4mm, Wd 6mm, Lb 23mm)
Xiuping Li, Jianjun Gao and Georg Boeck, Printed
Dipole Antenna Design by Artificial Neural
Network Modeling for RFID Application,
International Journal of RF and Microwave
Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol.16,No.6, 607-611.
- Tag Antenna plays important role in RFID system
- Research based on the RFID system application
environment - Hot topic
- Optimized and low cost antenna---Market