About Mobile VCE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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About Mobile VCE


About Mobile VCE – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: About Mobile VCE

Wireless Telecomms in China
Korea Assessment, Conclusion, Recommendations W
alter Tuttlebee Mobile VCE
Assessment Conclusions
  • Lessons to benefit UK Trade Investment ?
  • Policy Objectives Characteristics (in China /
  • Policy Implementation Outcomes (in China /
  • Implications for the UK
  • What works in Asia wont work here, but
  • the UK has different strengths on which we need
    to build
  • Recognising the Issues
  • Clear Lessons
  • Recent Changes in UK Policy Environment
  • Building for the Future what could or should be
    done ?

Assessment Conclusions
  • Policy Objectives Implementation in C/K
  • Clear, similar, but different, national policy
  • Economically and socially driven
  • Looking beyond industrialisation to the knowledge
    economy, with major focus on (and success in)
    developing RD base
  • Common Implementation characteristics
  • Technology innovation driven by future services,
    not in isolation
  • Specific service and technology priorities,
    jointly owned by Government and Industry
  • Specific, long-term, RD programmes, jointly
    funded by Government and Industry at very
    substantial levels
  • Commitment to and mechanisms for
  • Consistent implementation over time, with ability
    to make mid-course corrections and to live with
    conflicts and inconsistencies

Assessment Conclusions
  • Policy Outcomes C/K (1)
  • Technology Investment
  • In both countries the clear lead and support
    given by Government has been matched by industry
    commitment in terms of financial investment and,
    in the case of China, significant foreign direct
  • Technology Innovation
  • Korean and Chinese industry and research
    institutes today hold significant patent
    portfolios in WiMAX, TD-SCDMA and 4G as a direct
    result of these investments, reducing their
    future reliance on overseas IPR
  • Standards
  • Both countries contributed large volumes of
    technical results, creating an opportunity for
    future licensing exploitation. Both will submit
    strong technical proposals in response to the
    2008 ITU call wrt 4G, substantiated by
    experimental testbed results.

Assessment Conclusions
  • Policy Outcomes C/K (2)
  • Domestic Market Creation
  • Korea - has successfully created a new mobile TV
    service for its consumers and a new market for
    its own manufacturers, of 4.2m handsets to March
    2007, a 9 population penetration. Its industry
    is strongly positioned to address the global
    mobile TV opportunity, irrespective of technical
    standard (DMB, DVB-H or MediaFLO).
  • China - is poised to use the Olympic opportunity
    to create a domestic 3G market for its TD-SCDMA
    technology, which will initially be dominated by
    its own local industry. Longer term, if the
    market does become significant, it is possible
    that a few key international players, such as
    Siemens, will also be beneficiaries, with local
    companies losing market share, as has occurred in
    the 2G handset market.

Assessment Conclusions
  • Policy Outcomes C/K (3)
  • Exports
  • Korea has achieved the export targets specified
    in its IT 8-3-9 plan, apparently ahead of
    schedule. Export contribution from WiBro to date
    is minimal, Mobile TV has been greater, and WCDMA
    handset exports significantly greater.
  • China has enjoyed growth in telecoms exports,
    although its policies have addressed technologies
    that have yet to be commercialised.
  • Industry Implications
  • Telecom Manufacturers continue to play a growing
    role in both countries economies, at a time when
    counterparts in US/ Europe have seen significant
    cost pressures and consequent mergers (eg
    Nokia-Siemens, Alcatel-Lucent).
  • The fact that Telecom Operators in in both
    countries are now looking overseas for growth is
    a new trend, not so evident in 2004

Assessment Conclusions
  • Policy Outcomes C/K (4)
  • Regulation
  • In both countries the historic separate
    regulation of broadcasting and telecoms is
    causing tensions in the era of service
    convergence. Whilst this has been managed to
    date, structural changes in regulation may be
    anticipated within the next few years, if both
    countries are to fully capitalise on their policy
    investments this will erode an advantage
    currently enjoyed by the UK which we could

Assessment Conclusions
  • Implications for the UK
  • Telecom manufacturing in the UK is a minimal
    activity by comparison with Korea or China, but
  • Telecoms is an essential enabler of the digital
    economy, which we neglect at our peril. The UK
  • World-leading telecom operators broadcasters,
    with mature capabilities to operate global
    networks and services.
  • Great innovation the UKs light touch
    regulation, (free market vs control), leads to
    service innovation, enabled by cooperation,
    creativity and commercial deals, as well as
  • World leading research - University education and
    research in telecoms remains remarkably strong in
    the UK - and has contributed to most telecom
    manufacturers having RD in the UK.
  • A need for a technology capability for
    network-centric warfare

Assessment Conclusions
  • Recognising the Issues Opportunity
  • Every country recognises that ICT is the enabler
    of the digital economy including Korea, China
    the UK
  • but how to seize the opportunity ?
  • 2004 Report Conclusions
  • Strategic action is urgently needed if the UK is
    to retain its role as a global knowledge-based
    economyover the next decade.
  • It did not propose the adoption of Asian policies
  • It did identify the need to develop a clear and
    coordinated UK response and identified the
    opportunity for the UK to provide a lead in
  • It stimulated much discussion amongst UK industry
    players, but at that time met with limited
    resonance in Government

Assessment Conclusions
  • Lessons from 2007
  • Reinforced these earlier conclusions, adding new
  • Clear objectives have shaped straightforward
    policy goals in China Korea, accompanied by
    specific objectives
  • Detailed approaches to achieving these goals have
    been developed through Industry/Government
    analysis and consensus. These approaches have
    been implemented consistently over several years
  • Whilst not without conflicts and inconsistencies,
    and despite less than 100 success, these
    policies have moved both countries significantly
    closer to their objectives
  • Tangible economic benefits and international
    recognition, for both Industry and Government of
    these nations, has been realised

Assessment Conclusions
  • The UK Environment The Right Time
  • Many parts of UK Government now recognise the
    issues and have begun to take independent action
    the need for this to become joined-up is also
  • Technology Strategy the establishment of the
    industry-led Technology Strategy Board. The TSB
    has shown clear drive and initiative,
    establishing specific new priorities and
  • Research Impact an escalating priority has been
    given to the economic impact of publicly funded
    research by Treasury.
  • University-Industry Engagement - EPSRC has
    developed new mechanisms, such as Strategic
    Partnerships with industry, to increase knowledge
  • Ofcom has endeavoured to take a converged
    approach to the regulation of communications and
    broadcasting, whilst increasingly recognising the
    impact of spectrum on economies of scale and
    national competitiveness
  • UK TI Recognise need for refreshed strategies

Assessment Conclusions
  • Starting the Debate
  • What might be a possible strategic response to
    strengthen the UKs future economic prospects?
  • What might be an appropriate (simple) national
    objective for the UK?
  • Within the framework of recent UK developments
    how might this be achieved?
  • We want to stimulate a debate involving
    Government, Industry and other key players, to
    accelerate the development of such shared goals
    and approaches
  • Policy objectives jointly owned by Industry
    Government, and
  • Implementation actions that logically flow from

Assessment Conclusions
  • Building on National Strengths
  • Global Operators
  • Telcos (Vodafone, BT, Inmarsat) and Broadcasters
    ( BBC, BSkyB) players who compete and
    collaborate at the leading edge of service
    convergence and innovation
  • A Strong Research Base
  • Internationally recognised University research
    capability, RD centres of many of the major
    international communications manufacturers, and
    collaborative research mechanisms across borders
    cultures (Mobile VCE)
  • Forward-looking Spectrum Telecommunications
  • Highly developed Service Economy Creative
  • Clear Government Commitment to strengthening and
    exploiting the science base
  • The strongest for a long while

Assessment Conclusions
  • What is Needed ?
  • A Clear Agreed Objective
  • with full Industry and Government commitment,
    both in principle and financially, flowing out of
  • Structures to facilitate effective dialogue
    between Industry and Government
  • to create detailed implementation approaches,
    building upon the agreed objective
  • Mechanisms to support Technology Pull-through
  • eg enabling experimental trials of innovative
    research for not-yet-proven business cases
    (but not basket cases !)
  • Coordination of Regulatory and Industry Policy
  • requiring the involvement of Ofcom, BERR and
    other agencies and bodies so that successful
    trials can be rapidly commercialised
  • Engagement of Multiple Government Departments /
  • to include all who can benefit

Assessment Conclusions
  • Mechanisms ?
  • The Knowledge Transfer Network ?
  • One possible forum for industry dialogue however
    implementation clearly exceeds the TSB-defined
    remit of a KTN and requires much wider Government
    participation, support and funding.
  • An Innovation Platform ?
  • Possibly but not in isolation
  • Wireless telecoms is a fundamental
    transformational capability for many (all ?) of
    our industries
  • The integration of the above discrete steps into
    an overall national wireless telecoms initiative
    could be highly effective in underpinning,
    working with and providing a technology enabling
    framework for existing and emerging Innovation
    Platforms, leveraging wireless, telecom and other
    ICT technology across them all, impacting
    multiple industries and attracting inward

Assessment Conclusions
  • A Way Forward ? Lets start talking
  • Other countries will, in all probability, set the
    standards agenda for products and manufacturing
    for future telecoms such as 4G
  • China and other Asian countries have invested and
    continue to invest both significantly and
    strategically in ICT, in a logical and consistent
    manner, harmonising Government and Industry
    activity and perspectives to grow manufacturing
  • The UK has a historic opportunity to prepare
    itself for the next decade by leveraging wireless
    telecoms, to the benefit of our diverse and
    strong service economy, creating an environment
    to retain and attract manufacturers RD inward
  • The UK should grasp this opportunity for
    strategic coordination and thereby ensure a
    significant participation in the next stage of
    the wireless telecoms and wider industry

Thank you
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