Title: ICT
1ICT Examinations in Dutch secondary education
- Mark Martinot
- Projectmanager ICT and examinations
- Cito / unit secondary education
- Arnhem, Netherlands
2National Institute for Educational Measurement
- 500 employees 2,000 freelancers
- Develop instruments for objective evaluation of
students achievement - Growing focus on use of ICT (itembanking, CBT,
CAT) - Introducing CBT in national examinations
3(No Transcript)
4National examination in figures
- Cito composes together with 1000 teachers the
examinations - 600 different examinations
- 200,000 examinees
- more than 700 schools
- 49 million A4 pages
5Digital examination
- Start changing from paper and pencil to CBT
- Working at a countrywide CBT-infrastructure
- Existing computerexamsturning to one system
6Project Computers Examinations
- Start in 2002
- Working together with all partipicants-
Ministry, examination board (Cevo)- Information
Managenent Group (IBG)- Test-construction
groups- Schools officials, ICT-staff, teachers,
students - Selection of exams where ICT gives 'added value'
- use of audio/video, interactions (arts,
biology) - flexibel organization (prevocational
education) - Gradual implementation- software simple to more
complex- items simple (multiple choice) to rich
(multtmedia, interaction)- interest low stake
to high stake- schools small numbers to large
7Software-development (CitoTester)
2002 version 1 (simple, only multiple choice,
pictures, 'stand-alone') 2004 version
2 (multi-media, open answers, marking-module,
manager-module, webserver for data) 2006
version 3 (more security, more itemtypes,
adaptive testing, independant second marking
) 2008 version 4 (more generic modules, new
technologies / smart clients)
A Proof of concept try-outs B Experimental
use with schools (small scale - large scale) C
Available for all schools (choice for paper or
CBT) D Regular use (only CBT, no paper)
- - go / nogo -
- - go / nogo -
- - go / nogo -
A Proof of concept try-outs B Experimental
use with schools (small scale - large scale) C
Available for all schools (choice for paper or
CBT) D Regular use (only CBT, no paper)
- - Version 4
- - pre-university and senior general secondary
exams (20-50 schools) - - pre-vocational exams (500 schools)
10Results Reactions
- Students
- Generally positive(less language, more
structure) - Interaction problems e.g. scrolling
- Teachers
- Positive when ICT really makes a changee.g.
questioning in realistic context - Positive when ICT saves time
11Quality criteria / requirements
- Item-types- multiple choice, open answer,
interaction/simulation- using audio/video, hot
spot, simulation, plug-ins (Flash)- different
scoring possibilities (automated, marking by
teachers) -
- Test-formats- lineair, random, adaptive-
exercise / informal - scheduled / formal-
reporting and feedback - Itembank-system- support for new formats,
scoring rules, test-definitions- publishing to
different standards (IMS/QTI compliant)
12Quality criteria / requirements
- Data-collection/processing - testdata and
metadata - interoperability with analysing-tools - Scalability- support for large number of tests
taking place simultaneously- no dependencies of
internet-connections during test- smooth
performance of multimedia (video) under all
conditions - Security - fall back scenario's in case of PC-,
server- or networkfailures- encryption of
(distributed) items / answers / scores, save
storage - blocking other applications (email,
chat) during test - logging activities during
test ('walkthrough')- authorization of users-
time-lock on content, prohibit printing
13Architecture / design
- Flexibility / maintainability - modules for
different components (item- testcreation,
scheduling, testdistribution, testlaunching,
scoring marking, data-collection,
data-analysis, reporting) - documentation, use
of standards, metadata - User-friendly (schools)- using local
ICT-infrastructure, low system requirements-
efficient for local managers- simple menu's /
intuitive interface (navigation, lay-out issues,
14CitoTester Modules
- Student
- exercise- making exams
- School-secretary
- auhorize users
- scheduling exams
- sending results to Cito
- Teachers/Censors
- marking answers- at school or at home
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17 18(No Transcript)
19Voorbeeld CBT examen
20(No Transcript)
21Voorbeeld CBT examen
22(No Transcript)
23New developments
- Support for disabled pupils (text to speech)
- New itemtypes(drawings, simulation, interaction)
- More sofisticated scoring strategies(multiple
response-items, interaction)