Title: Welcome to the Social Science Library
1Welcome to the Social Science Library
- Undergraduate Induction 2008
Gillian Pritchard gillian.pritchard_at_ssl.ox.ac.uk
- Introduction to the SSL
- Finding books and journals on your reading lists
- Other collections you may find useful
- Library tour
3Opening Hours
- During Term
- Monday Friday 08.45am 10.00pm
- Saturday 10.00am 06.00pm
- Sunday 12.00pm 06.00pm
4The All Important Bod Card!
- Register at main reception for library swipe
access - Use to check out and renew books, (30 at any one
time, normal loans 1 week, short loans 2
days) - Use to make reservations, place requests from
the Bodleian - Use to get wireless access
- Password
- Date of Birth 20th January 1968
- 20JAN1968
- We have
- 55 Computers with access to
- electronic resources, MS Office
- Networked printers
- Scanners
- Photocopiers
- Buy your photocopy/print card at desk and top up
as you need - - 7p per photocopied side or double-sided
printed sheet - Use your laptops here (wireless available in
most of the library)
6Finding Books and Journals
Type in your search terms here
Click on go to perform the search
You can limit your search to the SSL here
7Sample Reading List
- King, Gary Keohane, Robert and Verba, Sidney
(1994) Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton
University Press. - Jackman, R. W. and Miller, R. A. (1996) A
Renaissance of Political Culture? American
Journal of Political Science 40/3. -
8 Shelfmark Arrangement
- Organised by subject for easy browsing
- Library of Congress
- Range of shelfmarks written on shelf ends
9 Borrowing
You can borrow 30 books at a time normal loans
1 week short loans 2 days email reminder when
books are due
All books without these stickers are normal loans
- Confined Can be
- cannot borrowed
- be borrowed for
- two days
10Item In Use
- Use for books you are reading in the library
- Fill in details and leave in place of book
- Enables readers and staff to track books
11Sample Reading List
- King, Gary Keohane, Robert and Verba, Sidney
(1994) Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton
University Press. - Jackman, R. W. and Miller, R. A. (1996) A
Renaissance of Political Culture? American
Journal of Political Science 40/3. -
12Other Places to Try
Information about Oxford libraries e.g. location
and opening hours
Links directly to OLIS, the Oxford union
catalogue. Click here to view your borrowing
record, renew books etc
The best place to find subject databases and
Search for e-journals and link through to
13Accessing your patron recordwww.lib.ox.ac.uk/olis