Title: Modeling Repeaters Explicitly Within Analytical Placement
1Modeling Repeaters Explicitly Within Analytical
Bill Halpin Synplicity, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA
Prashant Saxena Intel Labs (CAD
Research) Hillsboro, OR
41st Design Automation Conference San Diego,
CA June 10, 2004
formerly with Intel Corp.
- Motivation
- Traditional approach and its problems
- A Quadratic Placement Primer
- Repeater Force Models and Usage
- Experimental Data
- Concluding remarks
- Todays focus on buffered placement
Which nets should I
buffer? How? - Repeater instantiation swept under ECO placement
rug - Too many netlist changes gt ECO placement fails
- Increasing wire resistivity gt growing
fraction of cells is repeaters - . independent of frequency!
- Control placement perturbation due to repeaters
- As placement evolves, keep repeaters electrically
meaningful - One of top problems identified in recent scaling
Saxena et al., TCAD, Apr 04
4The Interleaved ECO Approach
This works great at the 90 nm node (esp. for
sizing) so, is repeater insertion any
5Problems with Interleaved Flow
- (Many) netlist changes break ECO placement
(unlike sizing) - Repeaters treated as first-order objects just
like other cells - Their existence should be contingent on their
placement for wire RC alleviation - Nets fragmented during repeater insertion
- Intended connectivity not visible to placer
- Artificial restriction of solution space due to
granularity of interleaving - Interleaving overhead
6The MorePlace Approach
- Modify placer core to explicitly model repeaters
as transients - Enable on-the-fly repeater insertion/deletion as
placement evolves - without modifying netlist
- Keep repeaters electrically relevant at all
times - Which global placement engine?
- Force-directed quadratic placement (KraftWerk)
- High quality, ECO-friendly, industrial-strength
Eisenmann Johannes, DAC98
7A Quadratic Placement Primer
Sigl et al., DAC91
8Overlap Removal in QP (KraftWerk)
- Pushing the springs analogy further
- use e for overlap
Can we capture repeater semantics without
breaking niceproperties of force computation?
Eisenmann Johannes, DAC98
9Repulsive Repeater Model
10Attractive Repeater Model
- Allow repeater forces to remain quadratic
attractive (even as other connectivity forces are
linearized) - Allows equi-spacing of repeaters on net
- Making all nets quadratic doesnt work (Why?
stay tuned)
11Using the Repeater Force Model
Goal Repeaters should stay close to their
desired locations even after going through solver
12Repeated Net Trajectory
Repeater stays very close to its original location
Typical net from Ckt_C testcase
13Repeater Prediction Model
- Optimal inter-repeater lengths obtainedby
simulation - for different metal layers and process nodes
- Short (lt 4lM3) wires on M3, long wires on M6
- Upper metal layers usually not available for
synthesis - Add repeater only if lsep gt 1.4lM
- Delete repeater only if lsep lt 0.7lM
- Model validated as conservative against90 nm
tape-out data - Undercounts reps for each wirelength bucket
Saxena et al., TCAD, Apr 04
14A MorePlaced Layout
- 5 testcases
- Median-sized Ckt_C
- 12.3K cells (90 nm)
- 13K nets
- Inter-repeater lengths correspond to 32 nm
- Red cells repeaters
- Runtime almost same as one-pass run (30 faster
than interleaved flow) - Wirelength worsens marginally
- So, is it good?
Repeater distribution not uniform
15Success Criterion
- When placement converges physically, repeater
convergence should only require small ECOs - KraftWerk convergence no large cell movements
across iterations - Repeater convergence only few nets require
further repeater addition - Legalizable placement (small ECO changes)
16Convergence Comparisons
Deletions not plotted for MorePlace
17Cumulative Repeater Count
Traditional flows fail to converge!
3-point flow is best among traditional flows
18Convergence Data
MorePlace runtime around 20-30 better than
19Traditional Repeated Net Trajectory
20Convergence with Quadratic Nets?
- Unstable equilibrium not an issue
- But forces shrink due to wirelength fracturing
- So, repeaters drift apart, causing net length to
grow and demand yet more repeaters - Furthermore, 20 wirelength deterioration due to
quadratic function - Ckt_C (32 nm, 3 break-pts) Reps 1129, 1834,
1469 23.2 worse wirelength
21Summing Up
- Interleaved ECO placement repeater insertion
fails to converge (even at 45 nm) - MorePlace convergence order-of-magnitude better
- MorePlace scales better on both convergence and
wirelength (with increasing design size, process)