Title: Productivity Improvement
1Productivity Improvement SPX APV (formerly
Invensys APV)
2Case Study Productivity WorkshopAPV Rosista,
- Introduction
- Asked by customer to increase production
efficiency within their Housing Production Cell
and by doing so, coach personnel in Lean
Manufacturing principles. The project included
running numerous workshops, which would
facilitate the actual shopfloor implementation of
improvements during the estimated timescale (4-6
months). - Project Plan
- The plan was based on a 4 month program and
focused on the use of the following lean tools - SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
- Kanban scheduling
- Process Flow
- Visual Management
- Implementation
- All 22 operators included in at least 1 workshop
- SMED workshops conducted on 8 key work centres
using video analysis - Plan adherence reviewed weekly by
cross-functional steering group - Full involvement and support of Labour Works
3- Storyboard
- The attached slide shows images of some of the
improvements carried out and provides details of
the key metrics, before after. The planned
timescale was extended to 5 months (due to local
factory legislation) and a capex spend of
43.5k on various items including racks, bins,
roller table duplicate tooling. - N.B.This is the summary status signed off by all
team members.
4Storyboard This slide shows the actual
storyboard detailing the SMED exercise carried
out on a 250T Hydraulic Press. This was used to
provide a visual step by step guide of what a
SMED exercise involves. This then allows all
personnel to easily understand the goal of set-up
reduction and provides the stimulus for
generating ideas within their own areas.
SMED Storyboard
5- Savings Analysis
- After allowing a six week bedding in period, we
completed a productivity study on the cell
involved in the project and the site as a whole.
We wanted to demonstrate the uplift in
efficiency within the Housing Cell but also what
the knock-on effect had been on site-wide
efficiency now that the bottleneck process had
been relieved, and how that had then triggered
process improvements in other cells. Attached
below is a summary of productivity using T A
figures supplied by finance
6Savings Analysis Here you can see the actual
costing sheet used on site to calculate
efficiency and the associated saving / loss
achieved. The ratio column shows the standard
efficiency calculation (hrs earned / hrs worked).
As demonstrated, the efficiency has rose from
78.4 in Wk 13 to 116.4 in Wk 25. The savings
generated by the efficiency increase can then be
easily calculated by taking a 4 wk moving average
and then multiplying out to provide an annual
saving. Therefore, at the end of this project,
the annual savings generated by the efficiency
lift were 1,799k (as shown bottom RH corner).
7Case Study Productivity WorkshopAPV Rosista,
- Summary
- Productivity Efficiency
- As demonstrated, there is now a 49 increase in
Productivity Efficiency within the cell. This is
equivalent to 9.2k per wk, over 450k
annually! - The lift in the Housing cell is clearly well in
advance of the other 4 areas (increases ranging
from 12 - 23). - As demonstrated, there is now a 38 increase in
Productivity Efficiency within the site. This is
equivalent to 35.9k per wk, over 1,799k
annually! - Set-up Time
- Reduced by 34
- Inventory
- Reduced by 86k (30)
- General
- Efficiency savings also achieved by
- Secondary operations being completed
in-cycle - Reduction in manual handling