Title: Film Storage and book-keeping
1WG4 summary
- Film Storage and book-keeping
- Scanning Quality Control
- Cosmic Ray Density
- Vertex Confirmation
- Vertex Location
2WG4 summary
- Film Storage and book-keeping
- First version Brick Tracer ready to use ( C.
Bozza ) - Scanning Quality Control
- SUTS ( K. Morishima )
- ESS ( C. Bozza )
3Brick tracer
4WG4 summary
- Cosmic Ray Density
- Aim of cosmic ray exposure is to provide
alignment for momentum measurement and decay
search. - Data shows we can go down to 1/5 while keeping
alignment accuracy. ( A. Ariga ) - Brick deformation can be corrected using Cosmic
Rays during transportation ( S. Takahashi ) - now 6micron rms whole OPERA film WITHOUT cosmic
rays - Further improvement is being studied.
- One can apply this method for Bricks with black
CS to have have NO cosmic ray exposure. - For normal bricks we can use cosmic rays in
larger area for alignment. - This method requires a brick should be made of
emulsion sheets in a single pack.
51.4cm x 1.4cm x 11plates 369 tracks in scanning
- From the point of alignment.
- Higher cosmic density doesn't give higher
resolution. - 1/31/5 of current exposure is enough to get same
alignment accuracy(1micron).
6WG4 summary
- Cosmic Ray Density
- Aim of cosmic ray exposure is to provide
alignment for momentum measurement and decay
search. - Data shows we can go down to 1/5 while keeping
alignment accuracy. ( A. Ariga ) - Brick deformation can be corrected using Cosmic
Rays during transportation ( S. Takahashi ) - now 6micron rms whole OPERA film WITHOUT cosmic
rays - Further improvement is being studied.
- One can apply this method for Bricks with black
CS to have have NO cosmic ray exposure. - For normal bricks we can use cosmic rays in
larger area for alignment. - This method requires a brick should be made of
emulsion sheets in a single pack.
7Deformation map between film 1 - 2
8Deformation mapbetween film 1 2 _at_brick
9difference (transportation - brick)(film 1 2)
Deformation seems conserving between
transportation and brick.
10Virtual alignment
- ?Used several films of brick36565
- exposed CR
- ?Scanned full area
- ?Important to read X-ray mark accurately
- for accurate alignment
- Trying now
- ?Instead of X-ray mark,
- used tracks at area near the X-ray mark
- ?Global correction is used tracks at area
- near the X-ray mark.
- ?Local correction is used tracks
- at transportation
- ?After virtual alignment,
- I check position difference using brick tracks.
X-ray mark
11Position difference
plate 25 - 26
offsetmicron ( -13.2, 2.2 ) RMSmicron
( 5.8, 5.8 )
Position difference have offset.
12Prospect for offset
If films curl at transportation offset appear.
after scanning
If curl effect contribute offset should be had
same value.
13Offset for several combinations
film1 film2 offset dxmicron offset dymicron
25 26 -13.2 2.2
26 27 -17.2 -2.4
27 ? 28 -9.7 1.4
Offset is same within several micron.
14WG4 summary
- Worries about reducing cosmic ray density
exists but - Some scan back using X-ray marks were tried also
in Europe side. - Lyon ( L. Arrabito )
- Cross check can be done soon using brick data
taken so far.
15WG4 summary
- Vertex Confirmation
- Volume scan procedure using SUTS ( T. Fukuda )
- Summary of events
- Nagoya ( U. Kose, N. Kitagawa )
- Bern ( C. Pistillo )
- Lyon ( L. Arrabito )
- Vertex Location
- NO cosmics for bricks with Black CS
- Presentations in A. Ariga and S. Takahashi -gt
Alignment w/o cosmics - Bern NC event ( I. Kreslo )
- One vertex related to cosmic rays
- One vertex outside a brick
- No CSD tracks
- TT match
- No Veto tracks
- Shift management and human organization
- Homework for each lab
16ECC with black CS(current Nagoya strategy.)?
- General scan the downstream plates(35).
- search vertex candidates.
- Scanback or Direct vertexing.
- Strong worry about the 2nd, 3rd, vertex by cosmic
ray. - --gt no cosmic on the ECC with black CS.
- Next talker, Takahashi.
ECC downstream
17NC event 179312944
18Volume scan around vertex
Tracks are visible in veto gt This is NOT a
neutrino event, but HE cosmics reaction
19After scanback of 1300 tracks two interesting
vertices found
20After scanback of 1300 tracks two interesting
vertices found